
湘少版四年级下册unit9 how much is it?教学设计.doc

湘少版四年级下册unit9 how much is it?教学设计.doc

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湘少版四年级下册unit9 how much is it?教学设计 湘少版四年级下册unit9 how much is it?教学设计 湘少版四年级下册unit9 how much is it?教学设计 湘少版四年级下册unit9 how much is it?教课方案 湘少版四年级下册unit9 how much is it?教课方案 教课目的: 1. 能听、说、读、写新词汇:knife、crayon、ball、brush、notebook、toy car棂栾铅骄碍繃騶億浍鎧绍恻蝈潇搀鵂藍暢瀠蕕颗斬僨亙惲財镣氫鹇陨。 2. 能用句型“how much is it?”咨询商品的价钱,并能用“it’s… yuan.”往返答。誊苁鳳鯽苍却顙噴勝吳费颈烬鋅釁饃問貶厭歷薔鱖愠帐預赵渔溫愦顛。 3. 能用英语进行简单的购物沟通以及讨论商品价钱 教课重难点: 1. 能听、说、读、写新词汇:knife、crayon、ball、brush、notebook、toy car,能用句型“how much is it?”咨询商品的价钱,并能用“it’s… yuan.”往返答。爐猃紕蘆钵颖缎灯內诋殼剐搀创醬轭贝饈沣鐿烁贱諶猪檉殤灿鏨閿鈞。 2. 能用英语进行简单的购物沟通以及讨论商品价钱 教具准备: 实物、图片、ppt 教课步骤: step 1 warming-up 1. sing a song : ten little indian boys t: good morning, boys and girls. ss: good morning, miss ou. t: nice to meet you. ss: nice to meet you, too. t: do you like singing? ss: yes. t: good. now let’s sing a song: ten little indian boys. can you sing it?( 播放歌曲动画)鬧费誼鋃绀鍇币妈伤魘摶積雛来襲髏狮滗頏纬罰糾钓怀攛热块牵饮祸。 设计企图:经过歌曲复习最基础的数词,为下边的价钱描绘打下基础,同时惹起学生的注意,激发学生兴趣。 2. an indian boy is counting the money in his piggy bank. can you help him?杩濁骣鹌傳軛鳃训陧戔嶺谁櫥辗蛏縑薊騎财礡铨艺贱铟栊抡跸躏軟猶。 t:wow, the indian boys are so cute. do you love them?(大家喜爱这些印第安男孩吗?)here is an indian boy and here is his piggy bank. he is counting the money in his piggy bank. can you help him? … good. here we go.蚕盡賣辩賺榈擇罵沟丟缮錫忾雏幣閌虬側禀铐覿贱鮞戶黨韙闔傘粤鉗。 (课件出示钱币)how much is it? (这是多少钱?) 指引学生回答“it’s … yuan.”烦匭鲔铈彈橫換兗鉭肮缴閏换檸摊擄殴馴籜厣畴盧庆錘赣館跃祯復叠。 设计企图:经过数钱让学生进一步复习数词,同时,初步学习新句型及感觉新句型的运用。 step 2 presentation the indian boy came here with some stationery and toys. do you want to have a look?侥贿緘鸝雋黄冊藺谋壚汉嗩譯舆骂缥缅颮慘则钡驰殚覷溅鴿镛狮嶠玑。 (after counting the money) there is still a lot of money. and the money is here now. (出示钱包)诓跄鈴贵啸馔來荨剀卖褸鉉貺蝈确荪碱靚桦訕导聾變寢锯鳝潜残撷阗。 the indian boy is here, too.( 教师出示头饰并带上)i’m the indian boy now. i have some things in my bag. do you want to have a look?输農聵偬嬡摻詳鹼囅摳秆價孿脏伥鱈觉鐫陇轮阵頎攝遙棖气慚莹肃償。 1. show the things in the bag and teach the new words撑膠鲣优钫赉鯁赇腽觀鯤騁竄偿岖诨喷鲟暫鐓壞貢餛腎妩蓮鰉盡惭骇。 (take out a pen) what’s this? 指引学生回答:it’s a pen. t: grea


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