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【英语】 七年级英语下册阅读理解培优卷( word) 一、七年级英语下册阅读理解专项目练习(含答案解析) 1.阅读理解 One night, a young woman was driving along a country road. It was dark and rainy. Suddenly she saw an old woman by the side of the road, holding up her hand as if she wanted a lift (搭 车) . I cant leave her out in such bad weather, the young woman said to herself. She stopped her car and opened the door. Do you want a lift? she asked. The old woman nodded and climbed into the car. After a while, she talked with the old woman. But the old woman didnt say anything. The old woman only nodded or shook (摇)head. She tried again. Bad weather for the time of the year she said. The old woman nodded. Then the young woman noticed that the old womans hands, which were large and hairy (多 毛的) . Suddenly she realized (意识到) that she was a man! She stopped the car. I cant see out of the rear screen (后视镜) , she said. Would you please help me clean it? The old woman nodded and opened the door. As soon as she was out of the door, the young woman drove off as fast as she could. When she got to the next village, she stopped. She noticed the old woman left her handbag behind. She picked it up and opened it. Inside was a gun (枪). (1)When the young woman talked with her the old woman only nodded or shook her head. Because she ____________________. A. didnt want the young woman to hear her voice B. didnt want to trouble the young woman any more C. was so tired that she didnt want to talk with her D. was worried that the young woman saw her hands (2 )When the young woman found something unusual, she _____________________. A. drove away as fast as possible B. thought of an idea C. jumped out of the car quickly D. drove her car to a village (3 )The young woman asked her to clean the rear


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