人教版九年级英语下册教学课件-Unit 12-Section B (2a-2e).ppt

人教版九年级英语下册教学课件-Unit 12-Section B (2a-2e).ppt

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中小学课堂教学精品课件设计 中小学课堂教学精品课件设计 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空词数不限。 1.?今天下午你开车去机场吗?如果是这样的话,能捎我一程吗? Are you driving to the airport this afternoon? If so, can you _________________? 2.?当你等公交车时,你必须与其他人站成一排等候。 When you are waiting for the bus, you must wait _________________ the others. give me a lift? in line with? 3.?昨天店里所有的光盘都卖光了。 All the CDs in the shop _______________________ yesterday. 4.?这项工作应该在年底以前结束。 The work should be completed _________________ the year. 5.?艾伦摇着头,丝毫不信任地盯着我看。 Alan shook his head and stared at me _________________. were sold out / sold out? in disbelief by the end of 中小学课堂教学精品课件设计 中小学课堂教学精品课件设计 中小学课堂教学精品课件设计 中小学课堂教学精品课件设计 中小学课堂教学精品课件设计 中小学课堂教学精品课件设计 中小学课堂教学精品课件设计 中小学课堂教学精品课件设计 中小学课堂教学精品课件设计 中小学课堂教学精品课件设计 中小学课堂教学精品课件设计 中小学课堂教学精品课件设计 中小学课堂教学精品课件设计 中小学课堂教学精品课件设计 中小学课堂教学精品课件设计 中小学课堂教学精品课件设计 中小学课堂教学精品课件设计 中小学课堂教学精品课件设计 中小学课堂教学精品课件设计 中小学课堂教学精品课件设计 中小学课堂教学精品课件设计 中小学课堂教学精品课件设计 中小学课堂教学精品课件设计 中小学课堂教学精品课件设计 中小学课堂教学精品课件设计 中小学课堂教学精品课件设计 中小学课堂教学精品课件设计 中小学课堂教学精品课件设计 中小学课堂教学精品课件设计 Have you ever played jokes on others, especially on April Fool’s Day? Have you ever been fooled by others? Tell your story to your partner. 2a April Fools Day is a traditional day to play jokes on others. No one knows how this holiday began but it was thought to have started in France. 传统上来讲,愚人节这一天,人们可以相互搞恶作剧。没人知道这个节日是怎么来的,但人们普遍认为它源自法国。 In the 16th century, people celebrated New Years Day from March 25 to April 1. In the mid—1560s King Charles IX changed it from March 25 to January 1. But some people still celebrated it on April 1, so others called them April Fools.? 庆祝愚人节最早是在1582年,在法国。那时,当时法国新年是在3月25日,一直持续到4月1日。16世纪60年代中期,国王查理九世把新年从3月25日变为1月1日,而还有一些人在4月1日过新年,这些人就被称作四月傻瓜了。 Read the passage quickly. Then answer the question: How many stories are mentioned in this passage? Four Read the passage quickly. Match each paragraph with the main idea. Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3 Paragraph 4 ◆ The most famous trick played ◆ Examples of funny stories that happened on April Fool’s Day. ◆ An in


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