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* * * * * * Wondershare software Put your text * * * 荷兰 The Kingdom of Netherlands 斯霍克兰及周围地区 阿姆斯特丹的防线 威廉斯塔德历史区、内城和港口(位于属地荷属安的列斯) 小孩堤防-埃尔斯豪特风车群 沃达蒸汽泵站 比姆斯特尔圩田 里特维尔德的施罗德住宅 瓦登海(与德国共有) 辛厄尔运河内侧的阿姆斯特丹十七世纪运河环形区域 小孩堤防-埃尔斯豪特风车群 Mill Network at Kinderdijk-Elshout The outstanding contribution made by the people of the Netherlands to the technology of handling water is admirably demonstrated by the installations in the Kinderdijk-Elshout area. Construction of hydraulic works for the drainage of land for agriculture and settlement began in the Middle Ages and have continued uninterruptedly to the present day. The site illustrates all the typical features associated with this technology – dykes, reservoirs, pumping stations, administrative buildings and a series of beautifully preserved windmills. Passage B 利用多媒体技术把抽象、枯燥的语言文字描绘成生动有趣的画面,并配上文字录音,从视、听等方面刺激学生的神经,增强趣味味性,便于学生直观理解。 North America South America Europe Asia Africa Australia 美国United States of America 美国 梅萨维德国家公园 黄石国家公园 沼泽地国家公园 大峡谷国家公园 独立厅 克卢恩/弗兰格尔-圣伊莱亚斯/冰川湾/塔琴希尼-阿尔塞克(与加拿大共有) 红木国家公园及州立公园 猛犸洞国家公园 奥林匹克国家公园 卡霍基亚土丘州历史地 大烟山国家公园 波多黎各的福塔莱萨和圣胡安国家历史地(位于属地波多黎各) 自由女神像 优胜美地国家公园 查科文化国家历史公园 夏威夷火山国家公园 夏洛茨维尔的蒙蒂塞洛和弗吉尼亚大学 陶斯普埃布罗 卡尔斯巴德洞窟国家公园 沃特顿-冰川国际和平公园(与加拿大共有) 帕帕哈瑙莫夸基亚 * * 梅萨维德国家公园 Mesa Verde National Park A great concentration of ancestral Pueblo Indian dwellings, built from the 6th to the 12th century, can be found on the Mesa Verde plateau in south-west Colorado at an altitude of more than 2,600 m. Some 4,400 sites have been recorded, including villages built on the Mesa top. There are also imposing cliff dwellings, built of stone and comprising more than 100 rooms. Time for fun: 格陵兰岛Greenland 4 格陵兰岛(Greenland):世界最大岛,面积2,166,086平方公里,在北美洲东北,北冰洋和大西洋之间。从北部的皮里地到南端的法韦尔角相距2574公里,最宽处约有1290公里。海岸线全长三万五千多公里。? Case study: Tourism in Asia-Pacific 5 1. Discuss the reasons why tourism in Asia-Pacific grew so rapidly between the 1950s and early 1990s. 2. Discuss the factors that could slo


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