YM-P-005 A5 生产设备控制程序Production equipment control procedure.docVIP

YM-P-005 A5 生产设备控制程序Production equipment control procedure.doc

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文件名称:生产设备控制程序 文件编号:YM-P-005 版本:A5 File name: Production equipment control procedure document No.: YM-P-005 Version: A5 第 PAGE 1 页 共 NUMPAGES 10页 文件编号document No. YM-P-005 版本Version A5 生效日期Effective date 2019/03/16 密级程度Degree of density 内部资料Internal data 生产设备控制程序 Production equipment control procedure 编制部门: Compiling Department 工程部 Engineering Department 拟 制: Drafting 骆懂平 审 核: Check 易志林 批 准: Approval 曹永坤 修订记录Revised record 修订日期 The revision date 版本 version 修订内容 Revise the content 2016/12/24 A0 首次发行 2018/07/07 A1 修改3.职责, 6.相关文件, 7.相关记录 2018/08/30 A2 修订5.2.2.2,全文增加英文 2018/09/26 A3 去掉原有5.5.5 2018/10/11 A4 修订7.相关记录 2019/03/14 A5 变更公司名 目的Purpose 对本公司的各种生产设备进行有效管理,以保证生产设备状态良好。 Manage all kinds of production equipment effectively to ensure the production equipment is in good condition. 适用范围Scope of application 适用于公司所有生产设备的管理。 Applicable to the management of all production equipment of the company. 职责Duties and responsibilities. 3.1采购部:负责生产设备的询价和生产设备的采购。 The purchasing department: Responsible for the inquiry of production equipment and procurement of production equipment. 3.2人事行政部:负责生产设备的资产登记,及统一编号 Personnel administration department: Responsible for the asset registration of production equipment, and uniform number. 3.3工程部:负责生产设备的验收、登记、使用、维护及报废的管理工作。 The engineering department: Responsible for production equipment acceptance, registration, use, maintenance and scrap management. 3.4操作人员:负责生产设备使用、日常维护的实施。 The operator: Responsible for the implementation of production equipment use and daily maintenance. 3.5总经理:负责生产设备报废的批准。 The general manager: Responsible for the approval of production equipment scrap. 定义Define. 无。There is no 作业内容.Job content 5.1当有生产设备需求时,由采购部依《采购控制程序》进行采购,对采购回来的生产设备应经工程部和使用部门依据生产设备“使用说明书”要求验收合格后,由生产部门分别登录于《生产设备一览表》中。 When there is a demand for production equipment, the purchasing department shall purchase the production equipment according to the procuremen


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