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疱疹病毒 Herpes virus Classification(分类) 疱疹病毒的共同特点 有包膜,中等大小,球形, dsDNA v. 核内嗜酸性包涵体, CPE明显 感染类型多样 ?显性感染:初次感染,有临床症状 ?潜伏感染为其主要特点:潜伏、激活(复发) ?先天感染→先天畸形 ?整合感染→与致癌有关 HE stain of lung section showing nuclear inclusions with the appearance of an owls eye. The inclusion is surrounded by a clear halo that extends to the nuclear membrane.? CMV infection can occur without the typical cytomegalic cells. Herpes Simplex Virus-1 A-capsid from 400kV Spot-scan Electron Cryomicroscopy HSV(herpes simplex virus)-1 隐伏:三叉/颈上/迷走神经节 引起:口唇疱疹 Cold sore Herpes simplex virus can set up a primary infection in the lips, move to the trigeminal? ganglion where it can remain latent. Virus can subsequently reactivate, move to the original site of infection and result in cold sores HSV-2 隐伏:骶神经节 引起:生殖器疱疹 Transmission electron micrograph of varicella- zoster virions from vesicle fluid of patient with chickenpox CDC VZV latent: ?脊髓后根神经节 ?颅神经感觉神经节 zoster(Shingles) 水痘 带状疱疹: 继发感染 水痘: 原发感染 CMV、HSV-2与宫颈 ca有关; EBV与鼻咽ca有关。 EBV 隐伏:B cell 所致疾病: ?传染性单核细胞增多症 ? burkitt lymphoma (BL) ?鼻咽ca Burkitts Lymphoma CMV 潜伏 : ?唾液腺/肾脏/单核-巨噬细胞 所致疾病: ?输血后单核细胞增多症 ?输血后肝炎 ?宫颈癌 Name Target cell Latency Transmission diseases HSV-1 Mucoepithelia Neuron(三叉) Close contact 唇疱疹等 HSV-2 Mucoepithelia Neuron(骶神经) Close contact usually sexual 生殖器疱疹,新生儿疱疹,宫颈ca VZV Mucoepithelia Neuron(后根) Contact or respiratory route 水痘,带状疱疹 EBV B cell, epithelia B cell Saliva 鼻咽Ca,BL CMV Epithelia, monocytes, lymphocytes Monocytes, lymphocytes and possibly others Contact, blood transfusions, transplantation, congenital 输血后单核细胞增多症 输血后肝炎,宫颈ca 小 结 Human Papillomavirus (HPV,人乳头瘤病毒) 2008 Nobel Prize in Physiology/Medicine 弗朗索瓦丝·巴尔-西诺西 吕克·蒙塔尼 哈拉尔德·楚尔·豪森 生物学特性 *无包膜 *20面体立体对称 *基因组:dsDNA *型别 100个 (DNA变异10%) *不能体外培养 * 有疫苗预防 papillomas(乳头状瘤)or warts(疣), e.g.: Common warts (寻常疣)(刺瘊) Flat warts (扁平疣): tend to disappear spontaneously with time. Anogenital condylomas (尖锐湿疣) HPV and cancer!! 10% of human cancers may be HPV-linked Papilloma viruse


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