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ASME Code for Pressure Piping, 831
ASME Code for Pressure Piping, 831
t与去试二J The American Society of
U丘J〔B Mechanical Engineers Two Park Avenue • New Yo『k, NY • 10016 USA
Date of Issuance: Ap ril 16, 202 1
The next ed itio n of t his Standa rd is scheduled fo r p ublication in 2023. Th is Standard w ill become effect ive 6 months after t he
Dat e of Issuance.
ASM E issues w r itten replies to inqu iries concerning interpretations of techn ica l aspects of th is Standard. Interpret at ions are
pub lished o n the Committee we b page and under /lnterp retations. Per iodically certain act ions o f t he ASM E
831 Comm itt ee may be pub lished as Cases. Cases are publ ished 。n t he AS M E w ebsite under the 83 1 Com mittee Page at
http ://go ./83 lcommi忧ee as they are issued.
Errata t o codes and st andards may be posted o n the ASM Ewebs ite under the Committ ee Pages of the associat ed codes and
standards t o provide correct io ns to incorrectly published items, or to cor rect typogra ph ica l or grammatical errors in codes and
st andards. Such errat a shall be used on the date posted .
The 831 Co mm itt ee Page can be foun d at http://go ./83 1committee. The associated 831 Commit tee Pages fo r each
code and st andard can be accessed from this main page . There is an optio n availab le t o automatically rece ive an e-ma il
notificatio n w hen errata are post ed t o a particular code o r standard. Thi s opti on ca n be found o n t he ap pro priate Committee
Page af ter selecting “ Er rata” in t he Pu blica ti on Informa ti on” sectio n .
ASM E is the registered t rademark of The Ame rican Society of
- ASME B89.1.7-2009 (2019) 钢测量带性能标准.pdf
- ASME B89.1.5-1998 (2014) 主盘或圆柱塞规用平面外径的测量.pdf
- ASME B89.1.2M-1991+errata-2014 用接触比较法校正量块(直径20英寸和500毫米).pdf
- ASME B73.1-2020 化工过程用卧式端吸离心泵规范.pdf
- ASME B56.11.7-1998 液化石油气(LPG)燃料瓶(水平或垂直)安装-工业动力汽车用液体提取.pdf
- ASME B56.6-2002 Safety standard for rough terrain forklift trucks 崎岖地形叉车安全标准.pdf
- ASME B47.1-2007 (R2022) Gage Blanks 空包弹 空包弹.pdf
- ASME B46.1-2019 表面纹理(表面粗糙度、波浪度和层数).pdf
- ASME B40.100-2022 Pressure Gauges and Gauge Attachments. 压力表和压力表附件.pdf
- ASME B36.19-2022 焊接无缝锻造不锈钢管.pdf