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人教版八年级下册英语 Unit 8 基础知识单词、短语、句子专题练习 一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词 There are many ____________ (岛) in the southeast of China. —How many ____________ (页) does the book have? —More than 200. I havent finished my book ____________ (报告) yet. My sister thought for a while. Then she ____________ (选择) to join the swimming club. When the old man died, his children put many ____________ (珠宝) in his tomb. There are nine l____________ of seats in this classroom. The old man lives in the countryside alone, because he can enjoy the b____________ of nature there. Li Ming will study ____________ (到国外)next year. I will remember you ____________ (永远). As a fan of music, Bob has collected more than 1, 000 ____________ (唱片). I like the house but I wont live there ____________ (永远). ____________ (现代的) technology has opened our eyes to many things. I have always been attracted by the idea of working ____________ (在国外). The teacher asked us to stand in two ____________ (排). The swimmer practiced hard and promised to break the world ____________ (记录). My brother loves p____________ music. He thinks it can make him happy. —Do you like r____________ music or jazz? —Neither. I like country music. Im good at playing the guitar. I want to join the school b____________ and perform for the other students. Lisa enjoys l____________ to music when she is free. Is your name Rose? It sounds l____________ the name of a flower. 二、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空 We decided ____________ (have) a birthday party for our math teacher. You should finish ____________ (wash) clothes before nine oclock. Jerry ____________ (start) to write the letter yesterday, but he hasnt ___________ (finish) it yet. There are so many beautiful sweaters. I dont know which one ____________ (buy). The girl ran to the bus station ____________ (quick) because she didnt want to miss the early bus. She used to ____________ (ride) to work, but now she is used to ____________ (walk). Ever since then, she ____________ (be) a fan of American country music.


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