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  摘 要 解释性报道代表着现代深度报道的最高成就,是深度报道中一种非常重要 的文体。在中国当代社会中,解释性报道具有极强的生命力,一方面,它能帮 助受众认知社会,了解所处社会环境的运行状况,另一方面,它能释疑解惑, 缓解社会矛盾,促进社会的沟通和理解。本文以《三联生活周刊》作为考察的 样本,通过观察其十年来解释性报道的变化趋势,归纳出其选题内容不断丰富、 报道视角从分析事实现状向预测趋势方向发展、呈现方式由重视概括说明向融 入感性描述方向转变三个主要特点。在对该刊解释性报道理念的分析中,结合 典型案例,总结出其报道理念有如下特点:在事件性新闻报道中,一方面,通 过描绘新闻人物的生存环境,追溯事件发生的社会心理因素;在非事件性新闻 报道中,多维度观察新问题、新现象,从而增强报道的解释力量。最后,对《三 联生活周刊》解释性报道中一些有争议的问题进行探讨。 主题词:三联生活周刊 解释性报道 1      Abstract The interpretative report is a very important literary form of the in-depth report, demonstrating the greatest achievement of the later one. In modern China, it boasts boundless vitality. On the one hand, the interpretative report helps the public to understand in what way the society operates. On the other hand, it clears up doubts and questions, mitigating social contradictions. On the basis of research on Lifeweek Magazine, the author analyzed the general trend of its interpretative reports since a decade ago, drawing a conclusion that they had three features: more reporting topics, more prospective and knowing analyses. Based on the classic cases, the author found the idea of the magazine’s interpretative report as follows. When it comes to specific events, the magazine will explain newsmakers’ mode of life by analyzing their living environment. Besides, it will focus on how individual psychology and the crowd influence the public affairs. If the topic didn’t pertain to specific events, the magazine will keep new phenomenon under observation from a variety of viewpoints and pay special attention to the theoretical frame of analyses. Eventually, the author did research o


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