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中文摘要 互联网发展至今,网聚人的超强力量已显露无遗,网络言论空间因为发言者享有平等和 相对自由的话语权而成为公众舆论的最大聚集地,人们在此天马行空想说就说。然而,虽然 网络成就了百花齐放的言论场所,但同时也带来了乌言黑语的堂皇登场;隐蔽身份的发言方 式给人以勇气,但也随之带来了网上愈演愈烈的“暴力”现象。一群群情绪激越的网民、一 场场网络口水战、一张张网上通缉令,这些都将网络舆论一步步推向了充斥着符号暴力、话 语暴力乃至行为暴力的极端。 本文针对网上出现的一系列网络暴力事件,试图分析该类网上舆论的特征及过程演变特 点,探寻网上暴力现象的形成根源,并对网络舆论的暴力倾向提出一些对策建议。 关键词:网络暴力 网络舆论 舆论引导 4 Abstract With the unprecedented development of recent years, the internet has showcased its tremendous power to the modern society. More and more people were absorbed in the net, and freely deliver their opinions on the new platform. Although the cyberspace offers a fully open and free place where the Internet user obtain information, spread information, express opinions, it has produced some negative effect as well. The growing phenomenon of “internet violence” is one of these drawbacks of unfettered discussion. Thanks to the web’s feature of anonym, more and more net citizens incline to use extreme words to express their opinions and come together to investigate others and mete out punishment for offenses real or imagined. This phenomenon should set off our alarms, in order to avoid this sort of crowd behavior leading to real-life violence. This thesis attempts to carry on some groping research of “internet violence”, trying to analyze the communication characters and developing traits of the violent consensus on the net, tracing out its origins and give some advices to control and guide it to the right direction. Key words :Internet Violence, Consensus of Network, Guiding of Public Opinion



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