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题目 位置伺服系统误差分析及控制器的设计
[摘要] 位置伺服系统又称位置随动系统,主要解决对象的位置控制问题,根本任务就是实现执行机构对位置指令的准确跟踪,系统的输出量或称被控制量一般是负载的空间位移,当给定量随机变化是,系统的输出量能准确无误地跟踪给定量的变化并能复现给定量。在一些精度要求比较高的伺服控制领域中,由于机械传动装置的刚性、摩擦阻尼等非线性因素和传动间隙等都不包括在半闭环伺服系统的位置环内。现实中大部分传动间隙、弹性变形、滚轴丝杠的误差及滞后得不到补偿,使其位置精度的提高受到了很大的限制。为了克服半闭环伺服系统的这种不足,利用线位移光栅位移传感器安装在机床的工作台上,用以检测机械传动机构中由螺距误差、间隙及各种干扰所造成的传动误差。采用的闭环步进电机位置控制系统,并进行反馈补偿控制从而提高机床的位置控制精度。同时还能保证全闭环伺服系统具有良好的跟踪能力和抗干扰能力
Server system, also known as the location of position servo system, the main solution to control the location of the object, the fundamental task is to realize the implementation agencies to accurately track the location of instructions, the system output, or control the volume of the space is generally load displacement, when the quantitative random changes in the system output can track the accuracy of the quantitative changes and restoration is to the quantitative. In some relatively high precision servo control, because of the rigidity of mechanical transmission device, such as nonlinear friction damping drive space and other factors and are not included in the semi-closed-loop position servo system loop. In reality the majority of drive space, elastic deformation, in-line error and the lag screw is not compensation, to improve the location accuracy has been greatly hindered. In order to overcome the semi-closed-loop servo system of this deficiency, the use of linear displacement grating displacement sensor installed in the machine table, for the detection of mechanical transmission error by the pitch, clearance and various kinds of interference caused by transmission error. Stepper motor used in the closed-loop position control system, and control feedback compensation to improve accuracy of position control of machine tools. At the same time can ensure the closed-loop servo system has good tracking ability and anti-interference ability.
[Key words]: CNC system; positioning accuracy; position controller and error analysis
目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1 数控技术的发展 1
1.1.1 发展现