Epidemiology of cancer课件.ppt

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Epidemiology of cancer Beijing shijingshan hospital Dr. Chen wenzhang New words Epidemiology [mass noun] the branch of medicine which deals with the incidence, distribution, and possible control of diseases and other factors relating to health. 流行病学 New words Epidemiology epidēmia ‘prevalence of disease + -logy epidemic n. 流行病 The Sanitary Board tries to stamp out the epidemic. 卫生局试图消灭这种流行病。 New words Epidemiology epidermal adj. 表皮的 epidermis n. 表皮 New words Astute adj. 精明的;敏锐的 an astute businessman. 精明的商人。 New words etiologic (etiological) adj. 病因学的 etiology n. 病因学 -ology n. 学问,科学 -ologic (al) adj. 学问的,科学的 New words esophagus n. (pl. -guses) 食道 esophageal adj.食道的 New words pocket n. a small, isolated group or area 孤立的人群或小区 a small bag sewn into or on clothing so as to form part of it, used for carrying small articles 衣袋 New words Littoral adj. 沿海的。n.沿海地区 New words Snuff [mass noun]powdered tobacco that is sniffed up the nostril rather than smoked 鼻烟 a pinch of snuff. 一撮鼻烟。 New words Snuff verb inhale or sniff at (something) 吸入;嗅(某物) they stood snuffing up the keen cold air. 他们站在那儿呼吸清冽的冷空气。 sniff up powdered tobacco (古)吸鼻烟 New words gum the firm area of flesh around the roots of the teeth in the upper or lower jaw (齿)龈,牙床 a tooth broken off just above the gum. 齐牙床折断的一颗牙齿。 gum disease. 牙龈疾病。 New words Buccal adj.颊的 Bucca n. 颊 Mucosa n. 粘膜 Mucus n. 粘液 Abstainer n.戒除者 New words nasopharyngeal adj.鼻咽的 Caucasian n. 高加索人 wean v. (使)断奶 n. 幼儿 New words surpass v. 超越,胜过 longstanding ?? adj.?长时间的;长期存 在的 legacy n. 遗产,遗赠物 asbestos n. 石棉 New words pharynx n. 咽 larynx n. 喉 uteri


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