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國立台灣大學公共衛生學院環境衛生研究所年報 飲用水經電解處理後之水質變化 王根樹* 陳祈森 陳進傳 *Corresponding Author: E-mail: gswang@.tw 目標 :將電解水生成器視為一個「淨水單元」,探討一般飲用水經電解水生成器電解後之水質變化。方 法:以市售某廠牌電解水生成器為對象,以純水添加微生物或無機鹽類作為人工合成進流水,在不同電解 條件下進行測試,探討所生成電解水的水質特性。結果 :進流水通過電解槽後,水體的pH值、氧化還原電 位( ORP )及電導度即發生顯著之變化,同時酸性水及鹼性水之水質特性趨勢亦相反。測試結果顯示電解水 生成器可去除部分砷及鉛,對總菌落數及大腸桿菌群也有部份去除效果;但使用純水為進流水之試驗結果 顯示生成之電解水水質並無明顯變化。討論 :經電解作用所生成電解水水質變化係因水中離子性物質受到 電解作用而發生,必要時需添加適量電解質以維持進流水之電解質成分。但進流水水質隨地理環境及使用 原水之不同而有所不同,必須注意如何控制電解質之添加劑量以維持電解功能之充分發揮。 (台灣衛誌, 12(4)253-265) 關鍵字:電解水、金屬離子、陰離子、總菌落數、大腸桿菌 Collection efficiency and culturability of impingement into a liquid for bioaerosols of fungal spores and yeast cells Wen-Hai Lin and Chih-Shan Li* *Correspondence author. E-mail: csli@.tw Collection efficiency of AGI-30 impingers and culturability of collected fungal bioaerosols were evaluated in a laboratory test system. A Pitt-3 generator and a Collison nebulizer aerosolized spores of Penicillium citrinum and yeast cells of Candida famata var. flareri, respectively. A 37-mm 3-piece cassette containing a 0.4-m Nuclepore filter was adapted to the outlet of the test impinger to collect the particles penetrating the sampler. The particles deposited on the inlet tube were also extracted to evaluate the wall loss effect. The physical collection efficiency was evaluated by counting the fungal particles of three portions of the impinger (inlet tube, AGI-30, and outlet) using a haemocytometer. In addition, the culturability was determined as the ratio of CFU concentration to total concentration measured by the haemocytometer. Our results demonstrated that impinger could collect more than 90% of t


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