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摘要本设计是西兰路特大桥西安铁路枢纽新建北环线工程的上部结构设计,为预应力混凝土连续梁双线桥,桥址处地质条件较好,采用满堂支架法施工。铁路等级为Ⅰ级,设计荷载为中—活载,抗震等级为七级。根据桥梁设计安全、适用、经济、美观的原则确定预应力混凝土变截面连续梁桥为设计首选方案。桥梁设置跨度为32m+48m+32m。主梁采用单箱单室箱形截面。根据桥梁相关设计规范,拟定出桥梁的细部尺寸。用Midas Civil建立本设计模型之后,运用该程序进行结构计算和数据分析并进行主力和主力+附加力荷载组合,根据各控制截面的内力估算预应力钢束数量计算和估配,并对梁体进行具体的钢束布置,最后应用Midas Civil对各控制截面进行了强度和应力验算,对预应力钢束进行了应力验算,各项验算均满足规范要求。此外,应用AutoCAD软件绘制了本桥的箱梁整体布置图、预应力钢筋布置图、预应力钢筋大样图等。本桥采用满堂支架法施工,其主要特点是施工方法简单可行,施工质量可靠,施工工艺成熟,不需要大型起吊设备,施工工期较短。关键词:预应力混凝土连续梁;荷载效应组合;满堂支架施工;有限元分析AbstractThis design is a new design of the superstructure of North Ring Road Project of Xian railway hub for Xilan Highway Bridge, prestressed concrete continuous beam double bridge, bridge site geological condition is good, the full scaffold construction. The railway is I grade, design load for China-- live load, seismic grade seven.According to security, application, economic, aesthetic design of bridges to determine the principle of prestressed concrete continuous girder bridge with variable cross-section as design preferred. Bridge set span 32m+48m+32m. Single box girder with single box section. According to the bridge design specifications, work out the detailed size of the bridge. After the establishment of the design model with Midas Civil, analyzed the structure calculation and data and the main and main + additional load combinations of the program, according to the internal force of the control section of the estimation of prestressed steel beam quantity calculation and estimation of distribution, and the girder steel beam cloth specific set, using Midas Civil for the strength and stress calculation of each control section, the stress calculation of prestressed steel beam, the force can meet the specification requirements. In addition, application of AutoCAD software to draw the overall layout of the bridge box girder, prestressed reinforcement layout, prestressed steel bar drawing etc...This bridge adopts full scaffold construction, its main characteristic is the construction method i


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