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英语教学 设计的模式 The Types of ID Models A Systems Approach 一.教学设计的模式 讨论题: 有人认为:教学方法是一种新方法替代一种旧方法,因为人们在运用旧方法的过程中发现一些无法解决的问题,于是提出了新方法。 有人认为:这些方法只是从不同的视角看外语教学,是一种新方法丰富一种旧方法,因为人们在运用旧方法的过程中存在一些视角的缺失,于是找到了新的视角。 你认为那种说法更合理?为什么? 2、理论形成: 总趋势 1)二战后,现代媒体和各种学术理论的发展 2)理论应用于设计的实践尝试 3)在教育技术学的形成\发展中派生 理论形成的具体方面 1)斯金纳 20世纪50年代 行为主义---程序教学 2)Silver 20世纪60年代 军事中,应用一般系统论于设计过程 This period was dominated by military training needs. Much of the foundation of the field of instructional design was laid in World War II, when the U.S. military faced the need to rapidly train large numbers of people to perform complex technical tasks, from field-stripping(拆卸) a carbine to navigating across the ocean to building a bomber The Theories and Design of this Period: Based on the research and theories of B.F. Skinner’operant conditioning,(Science of Learning and Art of Instruction) the training programs were focused on observable behaviors. Tasks were broken down into subtasks, and each subtask treated as a separate learning goal. Training was designed to reward correct performance and remediate(纠正) incorrect performance. Mastery was assumed to be possible for every learner, given enough repetition and feedback. 3、学科建立: 1) 60年代后, 任务分析、行为目标 的发展日趋成熟(标准参照评价、形成性评价) 2)60 年代,出现“教学系统开发项目” 3)学习领域,教学事件和层次分析的提出。(加涅) The popularity of writing behavioral objectives. Robert Mager published his 1962 book, Preparing Objectives for Programmed Instruction, influenced school systems for decades and continues to shape the vast majority of corporate training programs developed today. the ABCD To prepare an objective consider the ABCD: Audience: plan for who your learners are. Behavior: describe what they will be able to do Conditions and Degree: how will the learners performance be measured, in what conditions and to what degree. (3)Robert Glaser’S Criterion-referenced test(标准参照测试) Robert Glaser was the


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