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一、我国利率市场化的现状 1996年开始了利率市场化的进程。 1997年6月银行债券市场正式启动,同时放开了债券市场的债券回购和现券交易利率。 1998年9月放开了政策性银行金融债券市场化发行利率。 1999年 9月国债在银行间债券市场利率招标发行。 2003年央行宣布扩大金融机构贷款利率浮动区间, 使利率成为资源配置和宏观调控的重要手段,,,18%的速度快速增长;,,利率市场化对我们商业银行既带来机遇,也带来挑战,我们要把握时机,迎接挑战,利率市场化,积极推进国有商业银行进行股份制改造,建立现代化商业银行经营管理模式,敢为人先,勇,才能在同业竞争中立于不败之地。《利率市场化的国际经验分析与借鉴》 彭小泉 《中国证券报》2000年8月3日 《谈我国利率市场化进程》 王 遥???? 新浪网检索 《我国利率市场化改革》 巴曙松???? 新浪网检索 《利率市场化:中国金融改革面临的选择》张曙光?? 人民日报网 《学会应对利率市场化》 李 皓? 《城市金融论坛》1998年11期 《金融时报》2000年9月9日??????????? 顾丽文 First, our country interest rate market present situation In 1996 started the interest rate market advancement In June, 1997 the bank bond market official start, simultaneously letloose the bond market bond to return buys with the present tickettransaction interest rate In, 1998 has September let loose the policy bank finance bond marketrelease interest rate In September, 1999 national debt in bank between bond market ratetender release In 2003 the central bank announcement expansion financial organ loaninterest rate fluctuation sector, causes the interest rate to becomethe resources disposition and the macroeconomic regulation and controlimportant method Our country advances the interest rate market way and the step Although the interest rate market and consummates imperative to theour country monetary system further reform, but in our countryinterest rate market advancement, also cannot act with undue haste,must have the plan according to the money market development maturedegree, gradually carry on. 1st, reform interest rate management system. One, manifests theoverall level, the country has the control, can put can receive, theexecution is nimble; Two, follows the objective economic law, can optimize the funddisposition; Three, can transfer all levels of banks managementinterest rate the enthusiasm. Finally establishes multi-levelly, hasthe difference, dares to open, can to control the quite scientificinterest rate management system. So-called multi-level, is mustchange the interest rate


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