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内蒙古科技大学 本科生毕业设计说明书 Abstrack According to the wujiata coal mines actual situation, that has carried on the safety equipment design to the wujiata coal mine. The design in view of the coal mine common security problem, such as disasters and so on water, fire, coal dust, gas, roof, the reason which the analysis disaster occurs, designs the concrete disaster preventive measure and the safety control. According to wujiata coal mine development way and geologic structure, that has chosen central compound -like the ventilation system, The entire mine ventilation way extracts the type for the machinery to ventilate, the local ventilation uses presses in the type to ventilate. In view of the wujiata coal mines dust disaster, from the dust prevention, the explosion precaution and the flame-proof measure three aspects have carried on the safe design. Prevents and controls regarding the gas disaster, the design has adopted some explosion-proofs, the flame-proof security measure. Prevented and controled the aspect at the fire, that has designed the coal natural fire prevention measure and the external factor fire prevention measure separately. By the wujiata coal mine hydrology geological datas analysis,that has designed the corresponding flood prevention security measure. Simultaneously establishes set of perfect safe monitors and the monitoring system, carries on the strict monitoring to each kind of disaster form. Also proposed in view of the roof, the transportation system, the electrical hazard disasters preventive measure. The design completes the instruction booklet one book, blueprint three. Keywords: Coal safety facilities design mine ventilation 目录 摘要 I Abstrack II 前言 VII 第一章 井田概况及自然安全条件 1 1.1井田概况 1 1.1.1位置与交通 1 1.1.2设计能力 1 1.1.3地质条件 1 1.2 自然安全条件 2 1.2.1 水文条件 2 1.2.2 瓦斯 3 1.2.3 煤尘 3 1.2.4 顶底板岩性 3 第二章 矿井设计概况及安全预评价 6 2.1 设计概况 6 2.1.1 开拓开采设计 6 2.1.2 开采方法 8 2.1.3 设计评述 9 2.2 主要危险有害因素辨识分析 9 2.2.1 主要因素及危害 9 2.2.2 控制措施 10 2.2.3 控制措施采纳难易程度分析 14 第三章 通风和安全 15 3.1


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