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Journ l of Xi n University of T echnology ( 2006) Vol. 22 No . 2 171 : 100647 10( 2006) 02017 104 GEOSLOPE 1, 2 1, 3 4 侯伟 , 仵彦卿 , 何立志 ( 1. , 7 10048; 2. , 100053; 3. , 200240; 4. , 100022) : 结合西( 安)合( 肥) 高速公路深埋隧道工程, 基于 GEOSLOPE 的渗流分析模 SEEP/ W, 分析了隧道西侧的拟建李家河水库在存在 20~ 54 m 的水头差作用下水库库水对隧道的渗流影 响给出了相应的渗流场分布, 预测出了水库库水对隧道的渗流量, 并结合具体情况拟定了相应的 防治措施 : 高水头; 渗流量; 渗流分析模型; 水库; 隧道 : P64 1. 2 : A The Analysis of Effects of Reservoir under the High Water Head upon Tunnel Seepage Flow Based on GEOSLO E 1, 2 1, 3 4 HOU Wei , WU Y nqing , HE Lizhi ( 1. F cult y of W ter Resources nd H ydr ulic Power , Xi n University of T echnology, Xi n 7 10048, Chin ; 2. Dep rtment of Science T echnology nd Qu lit y, Chin Ordn nce Industry Instit ute of Geotechnic l Survey Design, Beijing 100053, Chin ; 3. School of Environment l Science nd Engineering , Sh ngh i Ji otong University , Sh ngh i 200240, Chin ; 4, School of Architectur l Engineering, Beijing Universit y of T echnology, Beijing 100022, Chin ) Abstract: In combining w ith the deepburr ied tunnel engineering in Xi nHefei superhighw y nd b sed on GEOSLOPE seep ge flow n lysis module SEEP/ W, this p per n lyzes the effects of reservoir w ter in Liji he reservoir to be constructed under the ction of 20~ 54 m w ter he d difference upon the tunnel seep ge flow . T his p per suggests the corresponding seep ge flow field distribution, predicts the seep ge flow qu ntity of reservoir w ter to the tunnel nd w orks out the corresponding prevention nd control me sures in combining w ith the concr ete conditions. Key words: high w ter he d; seep ge flow qu ntity; seep ge n lysis



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