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Never hang up without a word. 绝对不可以一声不响就把电话挂了。 Apologize for the mistake. If you are not sure of the number you are calling, you may find assistance here. 要为打错电话道歉。如果你不确定要找的号码,没准对方可以帮你呢。 Making Calls 打出电话 三、Oops! Wrong number! 糟糕,打错了! Thank the other party and express your best wish. 感谢对方,并给对方良好祝愿。 Hang up gently after him/her if the other party is a guest or superior. 如果对方是客人或级别比你高的人,在对方挂电话之后轻轻放下电话。 Ending a telephone conversation 结束通话 Identify yourself clearly 清晰地报出您所在部门及姓名 Listen attentively 仔细聆听来电内容 Convey sincere interest and concern 表示兴趣和关注 Offer assistance-take message 提供帮助-记录留言 Empathize 表示同情和安慰 Remain calm, courteous and friendly 保持镇定、礼貌、友好 Avoid personal confrontationAvoid placing blame 避免个人情绪,避免责备和抱怨 Explain situation clearly 清楚地解释情况 Dont make promise for others 不要为他人许下承诺 Refer when necessary 必要时向别人请教 Close the conversation naturally and courteously 自然而有礼貌地结束对话 Follow up action 采取相应行动 Special Points 特别的知识点 Handling Difficult Callers 接待难以应付的来电者 Special Points 特别的知识点 Handling Difficult Callers 接待难以应付的来电者 Good morning, Shimao Junlan Hotel. 您好,世贸君澜大酒店。请问有什么可以帮您的吗? Special Points 特别的知识点 Handling Difficult Callers 接待难以应付的来电者 Special Points 特别的知识点 Handling Difficult Callers 接待难以应付的来电者 Practical Tips 实用提示 Answering phone calls within 3rings and smile before you speak so that you will have a smiling voice. Never say hello or yes when picking up the receiver. 铃响三声之内接听电话并在讲话前先微笑,这样你就可以有微笑的声音。绝不在拿起听筒时说“喂”、“找谁”。 Say May I know who is calling instead of Who are you? Say May I have your name? May I have the spelling? do not say Whats your name? How to spell? 说“我可以知道是谁打来的吗?”而不是:“你是谁?”;说“请问贵姓?”、“请问如何拼写?”,而不能说“你姓什么?”、“怎么写?”。 Say Pardon me? Could you repeat slowly? instead of What? if you do not hear the caller clearly. 如果没听清楚对方所说的内容,说“抱歉我没听清楚”、“您能否慢点重复一遍?”,不能说“什么?” Give alternatives to the caller if the person s/he wants is not available or around, offer message taking and take notes-dont trust your memory, repeat before you put down the phone. 如果打电话来的人所找的人不在或无法接听电话,要给对方选


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