圣索非亚教堂 .ppt

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圣索非亚教堂 .ppt

Hagia Sophia 圣索非亚大教堂 The?Church of the Holy Wisdom, known as?Hagia Sophia, ?is a former Byzantine church and former Ottoman mosque in?Istanbul.??Now a museum, Hagia Sophia is universally acknowledged as one of the great buildings of the world. Brief introduction 在伊斯坦布尔,圣索非亚大教堂, 圣洁智慧的教堂,是一所拜占庭式的教堂,也是古代土耳其帝国的清真寺,现在是一所博物馆。同时,圣索非亚大教堂被广泛认为是世界上最伟大的建筑之一 History first built in 325 rebuilt in her present form between 532 and 537 under the personal supervision of?Emperor Justinian I. crusaders attacked 1204 Changed into mosque in 1453 In 1934 turned into the?Ayasofya Museum For over 900 years the Hagia Sophia was used for a principal setting for?church councils?and imperial ceremonies 230 feet (70 m) in width 246 feet (75 m) in length a?central dome with a diameter of 102 feet (31 m) ?Architecture ? The main dome is carried on pendentives: four concave triangular sections of masonry ,which solve the problem of setting the base of a dome on a rectangular(矩形) Base. Each section is decorated with an angel. The weight of the dome passes through the pendentives to 4 piers(支柱) at the corners, and between them the dome seems to float upon 4 great arches(拱形) pendentive Architecture about religion points to the southeast. Reason: Christian churches oriented to (朝向)the east Muslims always pray facing?Mecca 圣索非亚大教堂是有圆顶的大殿,而且它面对着东南方向。这是因为基督教教堂一般都是朝向东方,而穆斯林也经常向着麦加祷告,(麦加在伊斯坦布尔的东南方向),所以很多有趣的景点都聚集在索菲亚大教堂的大殿内。 Decoration Interior : ?marble, porphyry(石英斑岩),gold?mosaics,painting mosaic 1、Byzantine period: Virgin Mary, Jesus, saints and emperors or empresses. 2、In 1204 fourth crusade: Latin Crusaders sacked Hagia Sophia and removed to Venice 3、In 1453 Ottoman occupation of Constantinople: Hagia Sophia was turned into mosque, the mosaics were covered white washed or plastered (石膏) 4、disappeared probably with the earthquake in 1894 Virgin and Child with 12th-cent Byzantine rulers Exterior:massed vaults and domes. Decoration Sight Sultans Lodge Loge of Empress Seraphim Marb


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