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2005 13 3 C hin J D iabet es, June 2005, V ol 13, N o 3 20 3 周翔海 纪立农 ( F PG) ( H bA 1 c) ( DM ) ( IGT ) 1118 , DM D M DM , 489 , 629 , 48 12 , ( O GT T ) HbA c 1999 WH O DM , ( NG T ) 1 ( IF G) IGT IG T IFG DM 5103515552366 ( RO C ) , O GT T DM FPG 62 mmol L , 850 % 904 % , 0943( 95% CI 0927 ~ 0959) , 89 , 02 ; OG T T D M HbA 1 c 62% , 866% 775% , 0896( 95% CI 0876~ 09 16) , 39, 02 IGT FP G 51 mmo l L , 652% 683% , 0729 , 21, 05 IGT H bA 1 c 57 % , 633% 565% , 0634 , 15 , 07 62 mmol L FPG 70 mmo l L HbA 1 c 62% O GT T 2 h DM , F PG HbA c IGT 1 ; ; ; ; RO C Fasting plasma glucose and HbA c as a screening test for diabetes mellitus ZH O U X ianghai , JI L i 1 nong Dep artment of Endocr inology , Peop les H osp ital , Peking Uni ersity , Beij ing 100044, China Abstract Objective T o assess the validity o f using f ast ing plasma g luco se ( FP G) and HbA 1 c for the screening o f diabetes Methods 1118 subjects ( 489 men, 629 w o men) in Beijing a rea under w ent an o ral gluco se to ler ance test ( O GT T ) for scr eening diabetes H bA 1 c w as ex amined at the same time T hey have nev er underg one OG T T and co nt rolled plasma gluco se levels by any metho ds T heir averag e ag e w as 48 12 years Results U sing 1999 WH O criteria, 5 10 had nor mal glucose tolerance ( N GT ) , 35 had impair ed f asting gluco se ( IFG ) , 155 had impaired g lucose t oler ance ( IGT ) , 52 had IGT and IFG , 366 had diabetes U sing a r eceiv er operating char act er istic cur ve ( R OC curv e) , the op t imal cutpo int of F PG related to diabetes diagno sed by O GT T w as 62mmo l L that w as asso ciat


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