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Sheet3 Sheet2 Sheet1 sodium chloride must be reagent grade or Morton Culinox 999 food grade. Calcium Chloride must be reagent grade(e.g.,ArmHammer backing soda or comparable prduct is acceptable). Water must meet ASTM D1193 Type5 requirements.氯化钠必须是试剂级或者是莫顿999食品级。氯化钙必须是试剂级(例如AH苏打水或类似产品推荐是可以接受的)。水必须符合ASTM D1193 type IV的要求。 NOTE: Either CaCl2 or NaHCO3 material must be dissolved separately in water and added to the solution of the other materials. If all solid materials are added dry an insoluble precipitate may result.如论是氯化钙还是碳酸氢钠材料,必须分别能够溶解在水中或者其他溶剂中。如果所有固体材料更加干燥,则可能产生不溶性沉淀。 4.5.2 Compare the actual mass loss to the targeted value. Refer to Appendix A ,Table A1 for targeted mass loss values, in grams, for various test exposures as a function of the coupons original thickness. Testing should be conducted as necessary to achieve required mass loss must meet that defined in Appendix A, Table A1.将试片的实际质量损失与规定的目标值作对比,请参照附录A,表A1. The solution shall be sprayed as an atomized mist ,and should be sufficient to rinse away any salt accumulation left from previous sprays. The test samples and coupons shall be thoroughly wet/dripping. Suitable application techniques include using a plastic bottle, or a siphon spray powered by oil-free regulated air to spray the test samples and coupons.该溶液应该作为喷雾进行喷洒,后道喷雾应能充分冲洗前道喷雾在试片和产品样件上留下的任何盐分的积累。 试片和放置方式 Coupons serve to monitor the average general bare steel corrosion produced by the test environment. Coupons consist of 25.4 mm wide *50.8mm long * 3.18 mm thick pieces of bare SAE 1008-1010 carbon steel , cold rolled steel per SAE J2329 CR1E, uncoated, no post coating treatment, which are stamped with an alphanumeric identification number (reference Appendix A , Figure A2).试片用以检测普通裸钢在测试环境下所产生的腐蚀。试片包括25.4毫米宽,50.8毫米长,3.18毫米厚的,无涂层,且无涂层后处理的并且刻有字母数字识别号码(参考附录A,图A2)的 SAE 1008-1010碳素裸钢、SAE J2329 CR1E冷轧钢片 试片预备 Corrosion coupons should be cleaned with methanol or acetone solution and accurately weighed prior to use. The weight, in gram(g), shall be


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