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20 1 Vo.l 20 No. 1 2011 2 JOURNAL OF NATURAL DISASTER S F eb. 2011 : 1004- 4574( 20 11 01- 0084- 08 1 2 刘 彤 , 闫天池 ( 11, 116025; 21 , 100038 : , , , , , , : ; ; : P429 : A P o sit ive an a ly sis of m eteor ologica l d isa ster loss an d r egion a l d iffer en ce 1 2 LIU Tong, YAN T ian- ch i ( 11DongbeiUn iversity of Finance and E conom icsDalian 116025, Ch ina; 21Ch in ese Peop le. sR epub lic Secu rity Un iversity, B eijing 100038, Ch ina Ab str act: M eteorological d isaster loss is the resu lts of interact ion of natural variab ility factors and socio- econom ic factors. A s different natura l geograph ical features and different leve ls of soc io- econom ic developm ent, regiona l differences in m eteorologica l disaster losses is also very significant. H owever, the key is to understand the mi pact of a series of soc io- econom ic factors on the form ation ofm eteorological d isaster losses, such as popu lation d istribu tion, econom ic growth, educational and technologica l deve lopm ent, environm en t protection and so on. So, the paper con- ducted positive analysis for the re lation between regiona lm eteorological d isaster losses and socio- econom ic factors, and obta ined severa l mi portan t conclu sion s. K ey w ord s: m eteorological d isaster loss; regiona l d ifference; posit ive ana lysis , , , , , : , , 180 1949, , , 6, , , 4, , 4 , , , , : 2010- 03- 2 1; : 2010- 11- 13 : / 0( 09BJY040 : ( 1967- , , , 1E-m ail: cm alt@ sin a. com 1 , :


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