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摘要 随着我国对医疗事业的日益重视,医疗卫生保障制度在不断完善,医改对促进医药行业的迅速发展起深远影响。医改政策的密集出台,推动了医药行业进步的同时,也把医药市场的发展推向更完善的阶段。市场的发展离不开渠道,营销渠道已经从企业的无形资产转变为企业核心竞争力的重要组成部分。其作为联系企业和终端消费者的纽带,直接关系到企业的兴衰与成败。本文作者通过阅读大量的文献并加以分析,以广西嘉进药业有限公司为例对其营销渠道的建设和管理进行研究。首先简单阐述了营销渠道的相关理论,接着对该公司的概况进行描述,再对公司的组织结构和营销渠道模式进行分析,得出其存在营销渠道模式不健全、渠道成员选择标准不合理、渠道冲突、终端销售力弱的问题。最后提出解决广西嘉进药业有限公司营销渠道问题的对策。 关键词:广西嘉进药业有限公司 营销渠道 渠道模式 Research on Guangxi Jiajin Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd marketing channel problems and Countermeasures Abstract With Chinas increasing emphasis on health care, and the continuous improvement of medical and health security system, the health care reform has played a very important role in promoting the rapidest development of the pharmaceutical industry. The intensive introduction of health care reform policy not only has promoted the pharmaceutical industry, but also has promoted the market of pharmaceutical to a better stage. Market cannot develop without channel. Marketing channel has changed from intangible assets to the core competence of company and plays an important role in the company. As a bridge to contact the enterprise and consumer, the role it plays can be directly related to the success or failure of the enterprise. In order to finish this paper, the author read and analyzed a lot of literatures. Taking the marketing channel research on the construction and management of Guangxi Jiajin Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. as an example, this paper introduce some theories which relate to the marketing channel firstly. Secondly, this paper does some brief introduction about the company. Thirdly, it analyzes the organization structure and the marketing channel pattern of the company, and then what the conclusions come to are as follows: the imperfect of the marketing channel pattern, the unreasonable of the channel member selection standard, channel conflict and the ability of the terminal sales. Finally, it put forward the countermeasures to solve the problem in the marketing channels of Guangxi Jiajin Pharmaceutical


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