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Appropriate wine glasses are brought on a tray to the table and set first. After that the bottle will be carried to the table elegantly by hand (red wine with a folded napkin sleeve around the neck or in fine dining restaurants in the appropriate holder / basket; white wine in a cooler and stand and napkin) and presented with the label facing the guest. 先摆放葡萄酒杯,稍后将瓶装酒呈上,酒标对着客人,说明年份,酒庄和葡萄名. 23. Wine by the Bottle 瓶卖葡萄酒 Food Beverage / Restaurants, Bars Lounges 餐饮部 / 餐厅, 酒吧, 酒廊 Colleagues should announce the year, vintage, vineyard and grape to the guest and then open the bottle in a suitable location near the table (or in fine dining restaurants on a side table). 酒标对着客人,说明年份,酒庄和葡萄名后为客人开酒. “Excuse me Sir, your 2004 Green Point Chardonnay.” “打扰一下先生,您点的2004年碧汇莎当妮” 23. Wine by the Bottle 瓶卖葡萄酒 Food Beverage / Restaurants, Bars Lounges 餐饮部 / 餐厅, 酒吧, 酒廊 The cork is presented together with the cut soft cap on a small plate at the table and left there with the vineyards logo facing the guest who ordered the bottle. This does not apply for wines with screw cap or artificial cork. Older red wines will be decanted. 软木塞放在小碟子上并放于桌上,酒标朝向客人,(不适用于螺旋瓶盖和人造木塞).陈年的葡萄酒要提供醒酒服务. “Here you cork, Sir.” “您的木塞,先生” 23. Wine by the Bottle 瓶卖葡萄酒 Food Beverage / Restaurants, Bars Lounges 餐饮部 / 餐厅, 酒吧, 酒廊 A small amount is poured in the glass of the guest who ordered the wine for tasting. Once the guest has acknowledged, fill the glasses according to standard starting with ladies first and the host last. 在杯中倒入少许酒给客人品尝,得到客人确认后为女士先倒酒,主人最后. “Excuse me Sir / Madam, would you like to taste?” XX先生/女士,请您先试一下这款酒 23. Wine by the Bottle 瓶卖葡萄酒 Food Beverage / Restaurants, Bars Lounges 餐饮部 / 餐厅, 酒吧, 酒廊 Refill the glasses when left ? full. Colleagues should ask for a second bottle before the first one is going to be empty to avoid embarrassment to the host. The bottle will again be presented when asking. 当杯中的酒到1/4时及时为客人添加.第一瓶酒


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