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INTERNATIONAL TRADE 国际贸易 天津师范大学管理学院 周 红 博士 副教授 Chapter 12 Trade Blocs and Trade Blocks 贸易集团和贸易禁运 Outlines of chapter 12 Types of economic blocs Is trade discrimination good or bad? The basic theory of trade blocs: trade creation and trade diversion Other possible gains from a trade bloc The EU Experience North America becomes a bloc Trade blocs among developing countries Trade embargoes Outlines of chapter 12 贸易集团的类型 贸易歧视的利弊 贸易集团的基础理论:贸易创造和贸易转移 可能从贸易集团获得的其他收益 欧盟的经验 北美成为一个贸易集团 发展中国家的贸易集团 贸易禁运 12.1 Types of economic blocs Trade bloc??: A group of countries that have agreed to have low or no barriers on trade among themselves, while maintaining regular barriers to trade with countries outside the bloc. Free-trade area? custom union Common market Economic union 12.1 贸易集团的类型 贸易集团(Trade bloc):每个成员国都可以自由或者至少更加便宜地从其他成员国进口,同时对非集团成员国设置进口壁垒。欧盟便是这么做的,它允许成员国之间自由贸易,却限制从欧盟以外的国家进口。 经济集团的类型: 自由贸易区(Free-trade area)? 关税同盟(custom union) 共同市场(Common market) 经济联盟(Economic union) 12.1 Types of economic blocs 12.1 Types of economic blocs Free-trade area a trade bloc in which the member countries remove trade barriers among themselves but each keeps its own separate barriers to trade with outside countries. 在自由贸易区内,成员国之间的贸易壁垒被废除,但是它们各自仍保持对非成员国的贸易壁垒。 12.1 Types of economic blocs Customs union A trade bloc in which the member countries remove trade barriers among themselves and adopt a common set of barriers to trade with outside countries 在关税同盟中,成员国之间取消贸易壁垒,并且对外设置共同的贸易壁垒。 12.1 Types of economic blocs Common market a bloc of countries that have a customs union and also allow freedom of factor flows among themselves 在共同市场内,除实行关税同盟制度外,还允许要素在成员国之间全面自由流动(例如劳动力和资本)。 12.1 Types of economic blocs Economic union a bloc of countries that have a common market and also unify other economic policies 在完全的经济联盟内,成员国实行统一的经济政策,包括货币政策、财政政策和社会福利政策,以及贸易和要素的流动政策。 12.2 Is trade discrimination good or bad? Is trade discrimination good or bad? “stepping stone” (Joseph E.Stiglitz) or a “stumbling stone” (


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