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浅析技术性贸易壁垒对农产品出口的影响及对策 王钦朋 摘 要:随着经济全球化的发展和贸易与投资自由化的发展,国际贸易中的贸易壁垒发生了两个明显的变化:一是贸易壁垒的重点从关税壁垒转向非关税壁垒。随着关税壁垒的降低,非关税壁垒成为贸易保护的政策工具。二是在传统非关税壁垒如数量增加、价格补贴受到WTO严格控制的情况下,技术性贸易壁垒由于其本身所具有的隐蔽性、灵活性、广泛性,越来越成为WTO成员进行贸易保护的主要政策工具和手段。我国作为农业大国,农产品是传统优势出口产品,然而由于受到技术性贸易壁垒这一新兴调控手段的制约和影响,我国农产品出口贸易发展受到沉重的打击,每年蒙受巨大的经济损失,因此通过分析探讨技术性贸易壁垒对我国农产品出口贸易的影响,帮助农产品出口型企业及早研究出应对贸易壁垒的策略,尽可能合理规避技术性贸易壁垒的限制,促进我国农产品出口贸易持续健康发展具有现实意义。 关键词:技术性贸易壁垒;农产品;影响;对策 Abstract :With the development of economic globalization and the development of trade and investment liberalization, trade barriers in international trade has two significant changes. First, the focus trade barriers from tariff barriers to non-tariff barriers. With the lowering of tariff barriers, non-tariff barriers to trade protection policy tools. The second is in the traditional non-tariff barriers such as quantities increase, price subsidies from WTO under strictly controlled conditions, technical barriers to trade because of its inherent anonymity, flexibility, value added, become members of the WTO trade main policy instrument and means of protection. China, as agricultural powers, agricultural products is traditional advantage export products, however due to the constraints and effect of technical barriers to trade in this emerging regulation means , China’s agricultural products export trade development was heavy of combat, annually suffered great of economic loss, therefore through analysis discussion technology sexual trade barriers on my agricultural products export trade of effect, help agricultural products export type Enterprise early research out should trade barriers of policy, as possible reasonable avoiding technical trade barriers of limit, Relevance of promoting the sustained and healthy development of Chinas agricultural export trade. Key word: Technica1 Barriers to Trade; Agricultural products; Impact; Countermeasures 2008年下半年全面爆发的国际金融危机,使得全球经济急转直下,迅速进入衰退期,国际贸易大幅萎缩。在此背景下,贸易保护主义纷纷抬头,2009年,世界贸易组织(WTO)各成员技术性贸易措施的实施力度继续加大,TBT通报措施达1890项,成


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