Introduction to Metamorphism.ppt

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Introduction to Metamorphism

Introduction to Metamorphism IN THIS LECTURE Definition of Metamorphism Limits of Metamorphism Agents of Metamorphic Change Temperature Pressure Stress and Strain Fluids Metamorphic Change Classification of Metamorphic Rocks Types of Metamorphism Introduction to Metamorphism Rocks as chemical systems represented by a particular assemblage of coexisting phases (thermodynamic equilibrium and the governed by the phase rule) A basaltic composition can be either: Melt Cpx + plag (? olivine, ilmenite…) Or any combination of melt + minerals along the liquid line of descent If uplifted and eroded ? surface, will weather ? a combinations of clays, oxides… The Limits of Metamorphism Migmatites: metamorphic or igneous rocks? Limits of Metamorphism Agents of Metamorphic Change There are several main agents of metamorphic change Temperature Pressure Stress and Strain Fluids Agents of Metamorphic Change 1. Temperature TEMPERATURE: typically the most important factor in metamorphism Estimated ranges of oceanic and continental steady-state geotherms to a depth of 100 km using upper and lower limits based on heat flows measured near the surface. After Sclater et al. (1980), Earth. Rev. Geophys. Space Sci., 18, 269-311. Agents of Metamorphic Change 1. Temperature Increasing temperature has several effects Promotes recrystallization leading to increased grain size Larger surface/volume ratio of a mineral means lower stability Increasing temperature eventually overcomes kinetic barriers to recrystallization, and fine aggregates coalesce to larger grains Drive reactions that consume unstable mineral(s) and produces new minerals that are stable under the new conditions Overcomes kinetic barriers that might otherwise preclude the attainment of equilibrium Agents of Metamorphic Change 2. Pressure PRESSURE Normal gradients may be perturbed in several ways The two main examples are High T/P geotherms in areas of plutonic activity or rifting Low T/P geotherms in subduction z


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