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初中英语词组总汇 快乐男生Happy boys超女 Super Girl网吧Internet bar网恋 online love affair网上冲浪 surf the Internet早恋 puppy love无人售票 self-service ticketing 下岗 laid-off workers 小康之家 well-off family 新秀 up-and-coming starrising star 新新人类 New Human Being X Generation 摇钱树 cash cow小白脸 toy boy网民net citizen 面子工程 face job拜金主义 money worship热狗ot dog 幸福感sense of happiness 教练车coach car 低碳城市low carbon city 裸婚 naked wedding团购 group buying亚健康sub healthy灵魂伴侣 soul matebrown rice 廉租房?low-rent?housing 家庭主男house-husband 菜鸟/ 新手rookie 驴友tour pal 下午茶 high tea 80后 80s generation 90后Post-90s generation躲猫猫 hide-and-seek体育世界Sports World百家讲坛Lecture room 世界经济报道 World Economic Report 足球之夜 Soccer Night 半边天 Half the Sky 人与自然 Man and Nature Generation gap 焦点访谈 Topics in Focus 面子工程?face?job微博 Microblogging 博客blog 新鲜空气fresh air 空气/水污染 air /water pollution 家庭生活family life 交通规则traffic rules 交通安全traffic safety 交通灯traffic lights 二手车 second-hand cars 洗衣机washing machine 电饭煲rice cooker 眼保健操eye exercises 早操morning exercises 菜市场vegetable market 绿色食品green food 健康食品healthy food 绿茶green tea 红茶black tea 黑面包brown bread brown sugar 红糖 梦之队dream team 天然矿泉水natural water 纯净水pure water 纯牛奶pure milk 蓝天blue sky 信息时代 information age=information times 电脑时代information age 压岁钱year money 零花钱pocket money swimming pool(游泳池), running star(赛跑明星), smoking room(吸烟室), working hours(工作时间), bathing cap(浴帽), fishing pole(钓鱼竿), waiting room(等候室,候车室), dancing hall(舞厅), reading materials(阅读材料), living room(起居室) ,dinning room(餐厅), writing table(写字桌), guessing game(猜谜), reading room(阅览室),running water(自来水), boiling water(开水), falling leaves(落叶), walking stick(拐杖) 《红楼梦》Dream in Red Mansions =The Story of The Stone 《西游记》Pilgrimage to the WestJourney to the West 《三国演义》The Romance of the Three Kingdoms 《水浒传》 Heroes of the MarshesWater Margins 元旦(New Years Day) 情人节(Valentines Day) 圣诞节(Christmas Day) 春节the Spring Festival国庆节National Day’ Day 万圣节(1


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