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Unit 4 Going Outing More reading and writing 1.能够理解文章大意。 2.了解世界各地对地铁的不同称呼。 3.理解并会读 truck, moter bike, ferry, helicopter。 Let’s sing 2’ Every day I take the bus How do you get to school every day? I always take the bus. How do you get to school every day? I always take the bus. Every day, every day, every day I take the bus. Every day, every day, every day I take the bus. take the bus by bus take the plane by plane take the train by train take the subway by subway take the ship by ship walk on foot ride the bike by bike take / drive the car by car take the taxi by taxi How do you go to the zoo? 看一看,说一说 2’ ferry motor bike ?渡船;摆渡;渡口 ?[fer?] 摩托车 [m??t? ] [ba?k] ?Look and say 看一看,说一说 4’ ship 船 helicopter truck [tr?k] 卡车 [hel?k?pt?] 直升飞机 plane 飞机 car 汽车 4. Look at the pictures. Match them with the words below. truck motor bike ferry helicopter ferry motor bike helicopter truck 议一议,说一说 5’ P26 看一看,练一练 3’ I live in London. I always go to school on the underground. I’m from Shanghai. I usually go to school on the metro. I sometimes take the subway in New York. In Hong Kong, we always call the subway the “MTR”. In Singapore, we usually call it the “MRT”. There are different names for the subway all over the world. Let’s see what they are. 1.In London, I always go to school__________. A. by subway B. on the underground C. on the metro 2. In Shanghai, I usually go to school ____________. A. on the metro B. by subway C. on the underground 3. In Hong Kong ,we always call the subway _________. A. “Metro” B. “MRT” C. “MTR” 4. We call the subway _________ in New York. A. “ Subway” B. “Underground “ C. “MRT” 5. We call the subway ________ in Singapore. A. “ MTR” B. “ MRT” C. “Metro” 说一说 3’ B A C A B 完成课本27页第2、3题, 完成后,小组内交流答案。 议一议,说一说 5’ I live in London. I always go to school on the underground. I’m from Shanghai. I usually go to school on the metro. I sometimes take t


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