goalsfor science education(goalsfor科学教育).doc

goalsfor science education(goalsfor科学教育).doc

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goalsfor science education(goalsfor科学教育)

Introduction In my years of education I have seen many discrepant events. The one thing that each one had in common was that they captured and help my attention until I understood the reason for the seemingly discrepant behavior of the situation. The best discrepant even that I have ever seen is the one I present here in this paper – called the backwards balloon. It is simplistic - but complex. It is extremely counterintuitive. I have asked dozens of people to predict the behavior of the balloon in this discrepant event, and so far only one person was able to answer correctly. He even explained the reasoning quite well! Very few people are as insightful as this person, so I wish anyone success and enjoyment using this activity in the future. It’s not difficult to prepare and lots of fun for students to observe. As with other discrepant events, the backwards balloon causes the viewer to feel somewhat unsettled with what they see. They expect the balloon to react one way, but, in fact, it reacts another way. According to Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, the viewer enters a state of disequilibrium, because s/he can not reconcile with what the demonstration has shown. Essentially, disequilibrium occurs whenever we see something that goes against what we feel is certain to happen. In a way, this is similar to magic, because the result is surprising. The difference between magic and discrepant events is that, magic is expected to be surprising, but students do not expect a demonstration to turn out to be discrepant. Materials Required All that is needed to demonstrate this discrepant event is one large box, one small to medium sized helium filled balloon on a string, and a thin plastic sheet (plastic food wrap will do). Scissors will be needed to cut the box, and tape will be needed to tape the box together. As you can see, it is a rather simple experiment to prepare. I explain in detail in the description and explanation section how to make the apparatus an



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