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第一节 科技英语词汇的特点与翻译 modem (调制解调器) mouse pad (鼠标垫) Newbie (电脑新手,网上新手) screen saver (屏幕保护) Copy delete invalid command 第一节 科技英语词汇的特点与翻译 再如随着电话种类的增多,功能的完善,新词语也应运而生: 第二节 科技英语的句法特点与翻译 一、被动语态多 (3) Natural rubber is obtained from rubber trees as a white, milky liquid known as latex. This is treated with acid and dried, before being dispatched to countries all over the world. 天然橡胶取自橡胶树,是一种叫“乳胶”的白色乳状液体。在运往世界各国之前,橡胶要经过酸处理和烘干。 第二节 科技英语的句法特点与翻译 (3)Labor in the economic sense includes all human effort, either physical or mental, expended in the process of production. 在经济观念上,劳动就是人类在生产过程中消耗的一切体力或脑力。 (4) Management is the scientific art of attaining intended organizational objectives by working effectively with and through the human and material resources of the firm. 管理是一门艺术,通过有效地处理和运用公司的人力和物力资源来达到预期的开办公司的目的。 第二节 科技英语的句法特点与翻译 (5) The ultimate objective of economics is the study of how best to satisfy relatively unlimited human wants with relatively scarce resources. 经济学的根本目的在于探索怎样将相对不足的资源最好地满足人类永无止境的需求。 (6) Numerical control machines are most useful when quantities of products to be produced are low or medium; the tape containing the information required to produce the part can be stored, reused, or modified when required. 少量或中量生产产品时,数控机是极为有用的。人们可以储存录制生产零件资料的磁带,需要时,还可以重新使用或修改。 第二节 科技英语的句法特点与翻译 三、名词化结构多 (3) The building of these giant iron and steel works will greatly accelerate the development of the iron and steel industry of China. 建立这些大型钢铁厂会大大加速中国钢铁工业的发展。 (4) The slightly porous(多孔渗水的)nature of the surface of the oxide film allows it to be colored with either organic or inorganic dyes. 氧化膜表面具有轻微的渗透性,因此可以用有机或无机染料着色。 (5) This position was completely reversed by this man’s development of the utilization of nitrogen from the air. 由于这个人发明了利用空气中氮气的方法,这种局面就完全改变了。 第二节 科技英语的句法特点与翻译 (5) Manufacturing process may be classified as unit production with small quantities being made and mass production with large numbers of identical parts being produced. 制造过程可以分为单件生产和批量生产。单件生产就是生产少量的零件;批量


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