初级中学八年级英语上册《8A Unit 4 Wild animals》Period 6 Integ rated skills学案(无答案) 牛津版.docVIP

初级中学八年级英语上册《8A Unit 4 Wild animals》Period 6 Integ rated skills学案(无答案) 牛津版.doc

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初级中学八年级英语上册《8A Unit 4 Wild animals》Period 6 Integ rated skills学案(无答案) 牛津版

《8A Unit 4 Wild animals》Period 6 Integ rated skills 【学习目标】 课前延伸 *‘if’引导的条件状语从句中用一般现在时表示将来,主句中用一般将来时。 Conditional sentences (条件状语从句) ‘If’-clause (Simple present tense) Main clause (Simple future tense) If hunters catch a giant panda, they will kill it for its fur. 当我们把 ‘if’引导的条件状语从句放在句子开头时,我们需要在条件状语从句后用逗号。假如主句在开头,则没有必要加逗号。 We need a _______ (comma, full stop) after the ‘if’-clause when it is the first part of a sentence. e.g. If I go to Beijing Zoo, I will learn a lot about animals. I will learn a lot about animals if I go to Beijing Zoo. We can use ‘because’ to give the reason(s) for something. The word ‘because’ introduces the clause of reason and we usually put it in the middle of a sentence. Main clause ‘because’ Clause of reason Xi Wang had to look after herself because her mother had another baby. We can also use ‘because of’ to give the reason(s) for something. We use a noun, a noun phrase or a pronoun after ‘because of’. Main clause ‘because of’ Noun (phrase) / pronoun Giant pandas are in danger because of people. 一、根据中文、英语解释及句意写出单词。 1. If farmers keep taking the land, Giant Pandas will have ________(no place)to live. 2. Bears are in danger because people like their fur and make _________ from bones. 3. Do you know the importance of __________(保护)Giant Pandas? 4. We can ___________ (support) the farmers to leave the reserve. 5. If you ____________ (go on) to play computer games all day, you will fail in the exam. 6. When Xi Wang was born, it just __________ 100 grams. Keys: 1.nowhere; 2.medicine; 3.protecting; 4.encourage; 5.continue; 6.weighed 二、对于野生动物所面临的危险,学生还缺乏这个意识,或者是这方面认识还不全面、不深刻。因此请再多查阅一些资料,从而提高保护野生动物的思想意识。 自主学习记录卡 1.自学本课内容后,你有哪些疑难之处? 2.你有哪些问题要提交小组讨论? 课内探究 一、用动词的适当形式填空。 1. If it ______(not snow) tomorrow, we will visit the zoo. 2. I will tell her about it when she _______(arrive) at nine tomorrow morning. 3. If you add six and three , you ______(get) nine. 4. When the traffic ______(stop), you can cross the


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