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7A Unit4 学案 (Main task) 【学习目标】 A: Knowledge (语言知识) To master the usage of some important words and phrases. To learn to make notes about the fact. To enable the students to talk about diets and lifestyles. To write an article according to the survey and try to correct it in groups. B: Language skill (语言技能) 1、To express factual information about diets and lifestyles in writing. 2、To write an article for a website based on personal information. 3、To read an article to a classmate and check for mistakes. C: Feeling (情感态度) To know about healthy eating To develop the students’ good habits of diets and lifestyles. 【学习重难点】 词汇 large, take in. mean, fat, stay, healthy, cheese, peanut, slice, beef, pork, vitamin, calorie, amount 句型 1、I am fit and healthy. 2、I think I need(lots of energy). 3、I always/usually/…have…for breakfast/lunch/supper/dinner. 4、This gives sb.…calories to do sth./for sth. 5、I like…because theyre/its good for…. 6、I take in…I need vitamins to stay healthy. 7、Its important to do sth. A.为自己配制喜爱的早餐、午餐、晚餐,并从热量的吸取和口味两方面来说明原因。 Breakfast Lunch Dinner 1、 1、 1、 2、 2、 2、 3、 3、 3、 答案:略。 B.根据实际选择答案。 1、How long are you away from school? A、Never away from school. B、Less than a week. C、About two weeks. D、More than two weeks. 2、How often are you ill? A、Never. B、Sometimes. C、Often. D、Very often. 3、How often do you get to school early? A、Never. B、Always. C、Sometimes. D、Usually. 4、What time do you go to bed at night? A、Before 9:30. B、9:30—10:00. C、10:00—11:00. D、Later than eleven. 5、How many hours of sport do you do every week? A、Six hours or more. B、About five hours. C、Three to six hours. D、Less than 3 hours. 6、Do you eat a lot of fruit and vegetables? A、Often. B、Usually. C、Someti


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