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7A Unit4 Healthy Eating课案 Teaching & Studying PlanTitle (课题) Main task Type (课型) New 新授课 Period (课时) 6 Supporting theories (理论支撑) Aims demands (教学目标) A: Knowledge (语言知识) To master the usage of some important words and phrases. To enable the students to talk about diets and lifestyles. B: Language skill (语言技能) 1、To express factual information about diets and lifestyles in writing.(将关于饮食和生活方式的实际信息用文章表达出来。) 2、To write an article for a website based on personal information.(根据个人信息为一个网站写篇文章。) 3、To read an article to a classmate and check for mistakes.(读一篇短文给同学听以检查错误。) C: Feeling (情感态度) To develop the students’ good habits of diets and lifestyles(培养学生良好的饮食习惯和生活习惯) Key points difficulties (教学重、难点) 词汇 large, take in. mean, fat, stay, healthy, cheese, peanut, slice, beef, pork, vitamin, calorie, amount 句型 1、I am fit and healthy. 2、I think I need(lots of energy). 3、I always/usually/…have…for breakfast/lunch/supper/dinner. 4、This gives sb.…calories to do sth./for sth. 5、I like…because theyre/its good for…. 6、I take in…I need vitamins to stay healthy. 7、Its important to do sth. 写作 Healthy eating Teaching Methods (教学方法) Task-based approach Situational approach Aids: 课前准备(教具、活动准备等) 1、复习本单元所学的词汇,句型和相关知识。 2、查询有关健康饮食的资料。 3、准备教学课件等多媒体设备。 教 学 设 计 课前延伸 1、复习本单元所学的词汇,句型和相关知识。 2、查询有关健康饮食的资料。 Teaching Plan (授课计划) Studying Plan (学习计划) Aims (设计意图) 课 内 探 究 学 StepⅠ Warm up Revision 1. Finish the exercises in groups. 2. Give a brief introduction in order to present the new lesson. 1、小组合作完成导学练习。 展示自己作业,相互交流学习体会。 Step II Presentation 1. Arouse Ss why they eat certain types of food and why they should or should not change their diets. Tell Ss to look at the calories and vitamins chart in Part A on page 71.Explain the instructions carefully. Ask Ss to identify the words they do not know. Clarify the meanings of these words with the class. 2. Talk about the favorite food and learn how healthily we eat. 1、让学生通过图表的阅读理解单词以及食品知识 2、在语境中结合关键词讨论自己的


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