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航天飞机(Space Shuttle,又称为太空梭或太空穿梭机)是可重复使用的、往返于太空和地面之间的航天器,结合了飞机与航天器的性质。它既能代表运载火箭把人造卫星等航天器送入太空,也能像载人飞船那样在轨道上运行,还能像飞机那样在大气层中滑翔着陆。航天飞机为人类自由进出太空提供了很好的工具,它大大降低航天活动的费用,是航天史上的一个重要里程碑。? DISCUSS Imagine what life will be like If we live on Mars in the future? Life in the future 7. Where will we live on Mars? A. In large domes. B. On spacecraft. C. In special boots. 8. How will we study, do our homework and take exams? A. We will not need to learn anything. B. In online schools. C. In normal schools. 在此刻 变得越来越拥挤、污染越来越严重 到2100年时 首先 运输大量的人到火星 以光速一半的速度旅行 …的八分之三 漂到太空中去 不得不穿特制的靴子 把…和…相比较 1. at the moment/ at present 2. become more and more crowded and polluted 3. by the year 2100 4. first of all 5. carry large numbers of people to Mars 6. travel at half the speed of light 7. three-eighths of 8. float away into space 9. have to wear special boots 10. compare… with … 11. 在许多/一些方面 12. 做大部分我们的工作 13. 住在有十个卧室的穹顶屋子里 14.把…和…相连接 15.在网上学校考试 16. 以药片的形式 17. 和…一样美味 18. 太空旅行 19. 使许多人感觉不舒服 20. 火星之旅 11. in many/some ways 12. do most of our work 13. live in a dome with ten bedrooms 14. connect…to… 15. take exams in online schools 16. be in the form of pills 17. as tasty as 18. space travel 19. make many people feel ill 20. the journey to Mars 1. Why do we need to move to Mars? A. Earth is crowded and polluted. B. To make friends with people who live there. C. Flying to Mars will be cheap. .How long does it take to fly to Mars at present? A. Hours. B. Months. C. Years. .What will food be like on Mars? A. Very tasty. B. Very sweet. C. Not very tasty. taste v./ n. (品尝/ 味道) 4. Will gravity be a big problem? A . No, we will tie ourselves to the planet. B . Yes, many people will get lost . C . No, we will wear special boots. tie sth./sb. to … (把…系…上) get lost (丢失; 迷路) Will the journey to Mars be enjoyable? A. Yes, it will be very comfortable. B. No, it wil


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