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新目标七年级下册英语知识点总结:Unit4 I want to be an actor 一、词组、短语及其用法 1. want 想要 want sth 想要某物 He wants a book. want to do sth 想要做某事 She wants to go out. 2. an actor 3.policeman -----policemen policewoman-----policewomen 4.wait(等待)-----waiter(侍者) 5. 名词所有格(请看以下例子,认真思考用法) Tom’s 汤姆的 my father’s 我父亲的 the students’ 学生们的 Lucy and Lily’s room Lucy 和Lily的房间 Five minutes’ walk = five--minute walk 五分钟的路程 6. want to be …..想成为…… 7. work with sb /sth 与……打交道 8. give sb sth = give sth to sb 给某人某物 9. get sth from sb 从某人那里去回某物 10. in the day 在白天 at night 在夜晚 11. kind of + 有几分 12. thief -----thieves 小偷 13. talk to sb 与某人谈话 talk with sb 与某人交谈(侧重与双方) talk about sth 谈论某事/某人 14. people clothes 没有单数形式 15. be busy doing sth 忙于做某事 Be busy with sth 忙于某事 16. go out 外出、出去 17. in a hospital 在一家医院里 in hospital 在住院 18. an exciting movie/an exciting job/an interesting job 19. work hard 努力工作 刻苦学习 20. meet people 遇见某人 21. call sb at + 电话号码 给某人打电话 22. write stories 写故事 23. work for 为……工作 24. work(不可数名词) job (可数名词) 二、句型 (1)-What do/does+某人+do? 例:-What do you do?-I’m a student. -What dose he do? He’s a teacher. (2)-What do/does+某人+want to be? 例:What do you want to be?-I want to be a teacher. -What does she want to be ?She want to be a nuser. (3)-Where does your sister work? -She works in a hospital. (4)-Does he work in the hospiat Yes.he does/No,he doesn’t (5)-Does she work late? -Yes,she does/No.she doesn’t (6)-英语中询问职业的几种表达方式: What do/does …do? What is…? What is your father? What’s one’s job?例:What’s your father’s job? 三、重点句子 1. My uncle works in that restaurant. 2. What does he do? = what is he? = what is his job? 3. What do you do ?= what are you?= what is your job? 4.What does Ann’s mother do? =what is Ann’s mother? 5. What do you want to be? I want to be a/an ……… 6. What does she want to be? She wants to be a/an……… 7. I work with people and money. 8. people give me their money or get their money from me . 9. I


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