师范学院《综合英语》教案 Unit 4-1.docVIP

师范学院《综合英语》教案 Unit 4-1.doc

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Unit 4 Me And My Big Mouth Page  PAGE 2 of  NUMPAGES 2 教学课题Unit 4 Me And My Big Mouth施教时间2011.4.26/27教学目标Students will be able to: ? ? master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text ? ? learn the way of designing a narrative writing ? ? understand the main idea, structure of the text and the author’s writing style教学难、重点Topic discussion; text analysis; words and expressions教学准备Pptvideo教学过程PRE-READING DISCUSSION 1) Who is your favorite footballer or pop singer? Why do you admire him/her? 2) What would you do to meet with challenges or cope with frustrations in your life or work? TEXT INTRODUCTIONANALYSIS Highlights The text is a narration. Narrative writing is usually organized in a chronological order. In the text the writer recounts a series of happenings, which consist of an introduction, the conflict, the climax and a solution to the conflict. The writer tells of his experiences not to share them with his readers, nor to express his disillusionment. He seems to tell us that one’s success largely lies in the discovery of one’s real potential. TEXT COMPREHENSIONEXPLANATION Structural analysis of the text Basically, the story falls into four parts. Part 1(Para.1): main idea—to give reasons for his job transfer. function—to provide the setting of the story(introductory information about whom, when and why) The first paragraph is the introductory part of the whole text. The author introduces the setting (the when and where of an event), the character (himself) and prepares the ground for conflict. The expression “fine tradition” here refers to people’s social value. Terry Bradshaw lives in society that worships idols. Successful persons, such as sports champions, pop singers and famous movies stars, receive focal attention of the society. It is common practice to follow their life-styles. People try to imitate them, such as wearing the same brand of jeans, having the same hair style, etc. In this wa


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