Report of 137 cases of adverse drug reactions.doc

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Report of 137 cases of adverse drug reactions

 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 8 Report of 137 cases of adverse drug reactions Of: Li Haiyan Zhang Zhihong Liu Huiwen [Abstract] Objective: To understand the adverse drug reactions (ADR occurrence characteristics, and promote rational drug use. Methods: In 2007 137 cases collected from the statistical analysis of ADR reports. Results: The drug induced type of ADR 13, the anti-infective drugs ADR caused the highest proportion (65.69%,gt; 50 years age group a higher incidence of ADR. Conclusion: ADR reporting and monitoring should be enhanced efforts to reduce or avoid the occurrence of ADR. [Keywords:] adverse drug reactions, reporting, testing, analysis Abstract Objectiwe: To study the characteristics of ADR occurred in our hospitsal and to promote rational clinical druguse.Methods: 137 ADR cases collected during 2007 in our hospital were analyzed statistically using a descriptive study method.Results: ADR can be occurred by thirteen rinds of drug, and induced by anti-infectives took the iead, accounting for 65.69%, for total cases.It is higher occurrence rate in the group of people whose age is more than fifty years old.Conclusion: Importance shoued be attached to reporting and monitoring of ADR so as to iessen or avoid the occurrence of ADR. Keywords: Adverse drug reactions; Report; Monitoring; Analysis Adverse drug reactions (ADR refers to the amount of qualifying drugs under normal use and drug use appear irrelevant to the purpose or unexpected adverse reactions [1]. ADR monitoring network in recent years as China continues to improve, hospitals have increased ADR reporting and monitoring efforts. In this paper, our hospital 137 cases of 2007 ADR reports collected were analyzed to investigate the causes, drug type and other factors, to fully understand the ADR occurred in our hospital and characteristics of the general law, to prevent or reduce repetition of ADR, rational use of drugs for clinical safety reference. 1 Materials and Methods 1.1


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