Ru Yi Jin Huang San topical therapy combined with dexamethasone in extravasation of contrast agent.doc

Ru Yi Jin Huang San topical therapy combined with dexamethasone in extravasation of contrast agent.doc

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Ru Yi Jin Huang San topical therapy combined with dexamethasone in extravasation of contrast agent

 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 4 Ru Yi Jin Huang San topical therapy combined with dexamethasone in extravasation of contrast agent [Keywords:] Contrast media; extravasation; treatment High-pressure intravenous injection of contrast agents have been widely used clinically, but the use of high-pressure syringe injection of contrast medium there is pressure, and rate, the patient’s vascular status and then cope with the situation and other factors, it is easy extravascular extrusion needle or blood vessel damage , leading to extravasation of contrast medium occurred from time to time. At present the treatment of extravasation of contrast agent, the literature has been reported in this regard, the Division wishful golden powder with topical therapy combined with dexamethasone in 21 patients with extravasation of contrast medium, the effect is satisfactory , now the specific practices described below. 1 Materials and Methods 1.1 Clinical data of the 21 patients, 9 males and 12 females, aged 32 to 61 years. 19 patients with mild, showing around the puncture site or forearm swelling, pain to touch the bear. 2 cases of severe patients was significantly higher local puncture point, the upper severe swelling, skin tension high, severe unbearable pain, physical activity dysfunction. 1.2 Methods for the Beijing Tong Ren Tang Ru Yi Jin Huang San Tong Ren Tang Pharmaceutical Factory Co., Ltd. production, according to extent of disease and the proper amount of warm tea Ruyi golden powder thoroughly mixed, add a 5mg of dexamethasone, tune into a paste. With Ru Yi Jin Huang San externally, to beyond the extent of the lesion 1 ~ 2cm, thickness of about 1 ~ 2mm is appropriate, and cover with plastic wrap, fixed at both ends with tape to prevent evaporation and contamination clothing, topical drugs. and to raise wounded limb, in order to facilitate venous return . Daily external application time is 6 ~ 8h, the night before going to bed, wash with water to keep the local dry.


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