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外商投资企业外方权益确认表审核业务约定书 Engagement Letter For the Statement of Foreign Equity in Foreign-invested Enterprises 甲方Party A: 乙方Party B: Grant Thornton The Chinese version shall prevail. English translation for reference only. 兹由甲方委托乙方对201X年度外商投资企业外方权益确认表(以下简称“外方权益确认表”)进行审核,经双方协商,达成以下约定: to perform the audit on statement of foreign equity in foreign-invested enterprises (referred hereinafter as Statement of Foreign Equity) for the year ended December 31, 201X. After consultation, both parties have reached the following agreements. Details of the engagement are as followed: 一、审核的目标和范围 bjectives and Scope of the Audit 乙方接受甲方委托,根据国家外汇管理的法律、法规和中国注册会计师协会制定的《外商投资企业外方权益确认表审核指导意见》,对甲方编制的201X年度外方权益确认表进行审核,并就甲方外方权益确认表的编制是否在所有重大方面按照国家外汇管理的有关规定编制提出审核结论。 According to the terms of engagement, Party B will the Statement of Foreign Equity as at December 31, 201X, prepared by Party A in accordance with the relevant state regulations on foreign exchange and Audit Guidance on Statement of Foreign Equity in Foreign-invested Enterprises set out by the Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants. And express an opinion as to whether the Statement of Foreign Equity is prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with the relevant state regulations on foreign exchange. 二、甲方的责任 Responsibilities of Party A 1、根据《中华人民共和国会计法》及国家外汇管理的相关法规的规定,甲方及甲方负责人有责任保证外方权益情况相关会计资料的真实性和完整性。因此,甲方管理层有责任妥善保存和提供外方权益情况相关会计记录(包括但不限于会计凭证、会计账簿及其他会计资料),这些记录必须真实、完整地反映甲方的外方权益及外汇收支情况。 Accounting Law of the Peoples Republic of China and the relevant state regulations on foreign exchange, it is the responsibility of Party A and its management to ensure the truthfulness and completeness of Party A’s accounting information of foreign equity. Accordingly, management is responsible for maintaining and providing proper accounting records relating to the statement of foreign equity, (including but not limited to accounting vouchers, ledgers and other accounting information). These record


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