3 Diction要点.ppt

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3 Diction要点

Diction 遣词用字 Hot words: 山寨 “Shanzhai” is the word used to describe the plethora(过多) of knock-off products on sale across China’s shops and markets — an irritant(令人恼火的事) to many foreign manufacturers, for sure, but the word itself now has the Oxford seal of approval. 山寨是指中国市场上泛滥成灾的假冒商品。这确实让许多外国制造商非常恼火,但这个词语本身已经获得了牛津词典的认可。 Why do you have a knockoff designer wallet? I thought you hated intellectual property theft. 你怎么用一个山寨名牌钱包?你不是讨厌知识产权盗窃吗? In March, the court fined a former Herms (爱马仕) saleswoman $7.5 million for selling fake crocodile-skin bags several years ago. 三月份,法院对一位爱马仕女店员判处750万美元的罚款,因为她在几年前销售假冒的鳄鱼皮皮包。 He says counterfeits of the companys jeans are flooding Europe. 他说该公司牛仔裤的仿冒品充斥着欧洲市场。 How to translate the following words? He is my cousin. 他是我堂(表)兄/弟。 今年是羊年。 Sheep, goat, lamb, ram, ewe… How to translate the following sentence? Tension is building up. 形势紧张起来。 电压在加强。 张力在增大。 压力在增强。 What’s wrong with the following translation? And I say it is as great to be a woman as to be a man. And I say there is nothing greater than the mother of man. 我说,做女人和做男人一样伟大。 我说,最伟大的莫如男人的母亲。 哥哥你岸上走,妹妹我坐船头 Can we translate them into brother and sister? Why? family的译法: 原文:Do you have a family? 译文:你有家庭吗? 你有孩子了吗? Highlights of the Unit Correspondence between English and Chinese at Word Level Methods of Discriminating the Original Meaning of an English Word Extension of the word meaning (词义的引申) Diction in Chinese-English Translation Ⅰ. Correspondence between English and Chinese at Word Level word-for-word correspondence Marxism 激光 癌症 Sun, moon, sky, mountain… 马克思主义 Laser cancer Words without equivalent Baby boomer: rigjacker eggathon 三九 三伏 婴儿潮时代出生的人 劫持近海油井设备的人 吃煮鸡蛋比赛 coldest days of winter the three periods of the hot season ? One Word with Multiple Equivalence of the Same Meaning Wife: 妻子、爱人、夫人、老婆、老伴、媳妇、堂客、内人、拙荆… Potato: 马铃薯、洋芋、土豆、山药蛋 人: Human being, man, people, person One words with several equivalents of different meanings cousin: 堂兄、弟、姐、妹/表兄、弟


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