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简单句和复合句 语法专项 句子的种类 1.简单句 无连词 四种基本句子类型 五种基本句子结构 2.并列句 1)and, but, yet, while, or, for 2)not only…but also; neither…nor; either…or 3)rather than 4)when的三种特殊句式 3.复合句 主从句(三大从句) 简单句四种基本句子种类 1.陈述句 --肯定Lyn is a teacher. --否定Lyn is not a teacher. 2.疑问句 --一般-Is lyn a teacher? --选择-Is Lyn a teacher or a student? --特殊-What is Lyn? --反意-Lyn is a teacher, isn’t she?【搜集总结】 --反问—Isn’t Lyn a nice teacher? 3.祈使句 --肯定Open the door!(强调Do open the door) --否定Don’t open the door!(Don’t you open the door!) 4.感叹句 --What a nice day it is! --How nice the weather is! 简单句的五种基本句子结构 1.主谓S+V My dog died. 2.主谓宾S+V+O A car hit it. 3.主系表S+V+P(系动词) I felt sad. 4.主谓间宾直宾S+V+Oi+Od(接双宾的V) My friend told me a joke. 5.主谓宾宾补S+V+O+Oc(常见的宾补结构) That didn’t make me feel better. 判断下列句子结构 1.He runs very fast. 2. My uncle is a nice person. 3. I can see many people on the street. 4. I saw people running out of the building. 5. The reference book cost me 50 yuan. 6. He likes to leave the door open. 7. He left the door open. 8. I found a dead bird. 9. I found the bird dead. 10. I made him a paper hat 系动词 be动词 感官动词 feel, sound, look, taste, smell 3.变得 get, become, turn, go, fall 4.保持 stay, keep, remain 5.其他 seem, appear, prove 接双宾的动词 do sb sth=do sth to sb tell, give, teach, lend, find, hand, leave, sell, show, pay, offer, build, pass, bring 2.do sb sth=do sth for sb buy, cook, get, sing, dance, paint, make, draw *有些动词to,for都可以 read, write 3.只能用do sb sth结构  ask, charge, cost, deny 常见的宾补结构 1.动词不定式做宾补 Mum asked me to buy a bag of salt. 2.省to不定式做宾补 I saw a group of boys play football. 类似用法的单词有:十大动词 3.doing现在分词做宾补 I saw a boy playing football when I was crossing the street. 4.done过去分词做宾补 I saw the boy punished by his father. 5.名词做宾补 Her smile made the room a brighter place. 6.介词短语做宾补 He left his book on the desk. 7.形容词做宾补 Rainy days make me sad. While连接并列句 我喜欢跳舞而Jack喜欢唱歌。 e.g.I like dancing while Jack likes singing. 此用法while只能位于句中 *其他表转折的单词 however(逗号隔开), nevertheless, whereas or连接并列句 Do sth and/or sb will do 努力学习你就能通


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