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蒆蒄蝿芆膆虿蚅芅芈蒂肄芄蒀螇羀芄薃薀袆芃节螆螂衿莄蕿蚈袈蒇螄羆羈膆薇袂羇艿螂螈羆莁薅螄羅薃莈肃羄芃 媒 体 和 鸣 金 凤 音 ——“关于少数民族女童教育政策倡导的媒体培训”项目报告 Reports on the Training Project of the Media to Promote the Law-making on the Education of Ethnic minority Girls 加拿大公民社会项目(CSP0708.16)“关于少数民族女童教育政策倡导的媒体培训”项目自2008年3月起得到CSP的赞助,由南宁市苗圃行动华光女子高中课题组(HGSS)组织实施。在这一年的项目执行过程中,尽管受到了北京奥运会和四川汶川大地震的影响,但是课题组全员齐心协力,始终努力争取按项目的计划流程逐一实施。我们完成了大学生培训,广州、南宁、北京三地举行的媒体记者培训,如期进行了北京各大媒体记者、社会活动家参与的“关注广西少数民族女童教育爱心助学”百色隆林德峨乡的田野调查工作。参与项目的各大媒体纷纷发布相关报告,深受感动的记者无一例外发表了倡导少数民族女童高中阶段教育权This project focuses on public media training on education policy for minority girls had been conducted successfully by HGSS, under the CSP’s sponsor since 2008, although there were 2 major events happened by that time which were Olympic Games and Sichuan earthquake. During this year, the training was completed on uni students and the media of 3 cities in China which were Guangzhou, Nanning and Beijing. Meanwhile, HGSS also held a social program on helping Guangxi minority girls to get education in Decheng village, Baise Longlin, Guangxi Province. The Media was so touched, reporting relevant news and support minority girls’ education rights. 现就华光女高执行加拿大公民社会项目(CSP0708.16)的具体情况、NGO对媒体培训的影响力、政策倡导朝向等,分析报告如下: There are 3 sections in the report, including training programs, NGO vs. Media training Program and the trend of the policy. 一、实施情况 I. The Implementation of the Training Project 1、大学生培训 1.Training Project for Uni-Students 2008年4月13日项目组成员与来自广西大学、广西民族大学、广西医科大学、广西财经学院、广西师范学院等高校课题组召集人召开了座谈讨论会,讨论了广西高校传媒学院大学生社会性别意识培训在南宁的子课题,计划与广西高校社会性别研究小组、各高校学生会、团委合作,以广西大学传媒学院新闻专业的大学生为主体,联络广西民大、医科大、财院、师院大学生记者团,一起参与培训。 A organizin meeting held by the team members from Guangxi University, Guangxi Minority University, Guangxi Medical University, Guangxi Business College and Guangxi Teaching University on April 13th in 2008. It mainly discussed the training objectives which were for uni-students, especially for the media colleges, the training topic, and how to execute the training program in


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