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Flora of China 10: 255–259. 2010. 113. VIGNA Savi, Nuovo Giorn. Lett. 8: 113. 1824, nom. cons. 豇豆属 jiang dou shu Wu Delin (吴德邻 Wu Te-lin); Mats Thulin Candelium Medikus. Twining or erect herbs, rarely subshrubs. Leaves pinnately 3-foliolate; stipules peltate or basally spurred, 2-lobed, cordate, or truncate. Racemes axillary or terminal, nodes of rachis often thickened and glandular. Bracts and bracteoles deciduous. Calyx 5- toothed, 2-lipped. Corolla yellow, blue, or purple; standard suborbicular, base appendaged; wings shorter than standard; keel subequal to wings, incurved, not beaked or produced into an incurved or spirally twisted beak. Stamens diadelphous; anthers uniform. Ovary sessile; style filiform, upper part thickened, bearded or hirsute lengthwise inside; stigma oblique. Legumes linear or linear-oblong, terete or flat. Seeds reniform or subquadrate; hilum short or elongate, with or without aril. About 100 species: distributed in tropical regions; 14 species (one introduced) in China. According to molecular evidence (Thulin et al., Syst. Bot. 29: 903–920. 2004), Vigna adenantha belongs to a group of neotropical species of Vigna that is not closely related to the Old World species otherwise present in China. Pending a new classification of the New World species, V. adenantha is here retained in Vigna. Phaseolus anguinus Bunge (Enum. Pl. Chin. Bor. 20. 1833), described from near Beijing, is probably a species of Vigna. No type material has been seen, but the name may well be a synonym of V. radiata. 1a. Stipules truncate at base and not prolonged below point of insertion 3. V. adenantha 1b. Stipules 2-lobed, cordate, or spurred at base, or peltate. 2a. Stipules 2-lobed or cordate at base.


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