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商务英语 一、选择(10×2=20) 填空(选词变形20×1=20) The law works on the assumption (assume) assume that it is preferable for children to be with their mother.() The whole magazine is designed and edited in the pursuit (pursue)of excellence.(P10) His quick promotion in the company caused widespread resentment(resent) among the other employees.(P10) Bonus is a powerful incentive() to motivate the staff to do their utmost and to share in the companys prosperity if it reaches its goal.(P33) China needs to assimilate()a good deal of foreign progressive culture,but she must not swallow anything and everything uncritically.(P33) 6、They have successfully transformed (transform)the deserted construction site into an industrial park.() 7、The train strikes which already lasted for two days caused major disruption(disruptive) to thousands of commuters.() 8、Being self-employed allowed Jack the flexibility (flexible)to work unusual hours.() 9、It is known that important witnesses are isolated (isolation)from the media for their own safety.() 10、The new board director reminded all his subordinates of the importance of being compliant(compliance) with the demand of patrons.() 11、The boss was enraged(rage) by their involvement in the secretive office romance.() 12、I would like you to be friendly sincerely instead of being friendly in a patronizing (patron)manner.() 13、Hearty condolence to you. May you have strength to bear this great affliction(afflict).() 14、The strategy (strategic)of sustainable development has been given much focus by the government all these years.() 15、The weather altered/alternated (alternative) between rain and sunshine in the last week.() 16、The air was saturated (saturation) with the perfume of the flowers.() 17、His views lack consistency (consistent):one day hes a conservative,the next hes a liberal.() 18、The newspapers are giving the affair considerable prominence(prominent).() 19、They want to spend a minimum (minimal)of both time and money to finish the program.() 20、The


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