第四章 英汉文对比分析.ppt

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第四章 英汉文对比分析

青岛滨海学院精品课程 英语精品课程 孙敏副教授 第四章 英汉文化对比分析 第一节 语言、文化与翻译 第二节 文化特性的汉译处理 第三节 洋化与归化 4.1.1语言、文化与翻译 1.With development, with luck and with help from lots of good people, I was able to rise from ashes. 凭着我的决心,我的运气,还有许多善良人的帮助,我终于得以东山再起。 2. Mr. Wilson talks a lot but Mrs. Wilson wears trousers in their house. 威尔逊先生在家说话很多,但在家里真正说了算的是威尔逊太太。 4.1.1语言、文化与翻译 3. Although New Zealand was the first country in the world where women got the vote in 1893, it remains a sexist society in which male chauvinism of the pioneering period still rules many social patterns. 尽管新西兰曾是世界上第一个妇女早在1893年就获得选举权的国家,但它至今依然存在着性别歧视,殖民地开垦初期的大男子主义还笼罩着社会生活的方方面面。 4. The buzzer sounds. That’s the end of the shift. I have a shower to rid myself of the power and debris which has clung to my body throughout the shift. Then I clock off. 下班汽笛声响了,我冲了个澡,出去一天来沾在我身上的粉末和屑片。然后,我把自己的卡片投入自动计时器就下班了。 4.1.1语言、文化与翻译 5. Last night, an uninvited guest turned up to make five for bridge. I had the kind of paper back at hand to make being the fifth at bridge a joy. 昨天晚上有位朋友不请自到,使得桥牌桌上多了一个人。我手边恰好有一本简装书,所有尽管我没有打成桥牌却过得很愉快。 4.1.1语言翻译实践练习 实践 1 实践 2 实践 3 实践 4 实践 5 实践 6 实践 7 实践 8 实践 9 实践 10 4.1.1语言、文化与翻译实践练习 1、As a gambler, I have always been attracted to Las Vegas. And I thought the city was the perfect place to take the biggest gamble of your life—getting married. 4.1.1语言、文化与翻译实践练习 3、The family had to move from city to city, leading a gypsy life. 4.1.1语言、文化与翻译实践练习 6.Paul enjoyed the most successful post-Beatles career, enjoying many hit singles and albums such as Band on the Run. 保罗的事业在后甲壳虫时期最为成功;他又许多人们单曲和专集,如《鼎盛时期的乐队》。 7、Difficulties should be dealt with they are still molehills, not mountains. 问题应该在刚出现时就予以解决,而不应该等到问题堆积如山。 4.1.1语言、文化与翻译实践练习 8、Now, stricter laws in Western Europe, North America and the Far East are making money laundering more difficult. 如今,西欧、北美和远东地区制定了更严格的法律,使得洗


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