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The Indus–Yarlung Zangbo ophiolites from Nanga Parbat to Namche Barwa syntaxes, southern Tibet: First synthesis of petrology, geochemistry, and geochronology with incidences on geodynamic reconstructions of Neo-Tethys Abstract:The purpose of this first synthesis is to summarize findings on the Yarlung Zangbo Suture Zone (YZSZ) ophiolites and discuss still remaining problems. The YZSZ studied for almost 30 years and is the youngest of the sutures recognized on Tibet Plateau. It is now acknowledged that the YZSZ is a complex assemblage of sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous rocks created during and shortly after the collision between India and Eurasia. The ages of the various lithologies span a time interval from the Jurassic to the Middle Miocene, with some Permian and Devonian exotic blocks from mélange zone. The YZSZ is characterized by ophiolitic complexes and ophiolitic mélange. The ophiolites are of two types: non dismembered and dismembered sections. The non disturbed sections, although tectonically reworked, are observed along the segment from Dazhuqu to Jiding in Xigaze area and Spontang ophiolite. The dismembered sequences are found in various locations such as Nidar, Kiogar, Jungbwa, Saga, Sangsang, Xigugabu, and Luobusa. The incomplete stratigraphic log could be connected to intraoceanic or orogenetic origins. The ophiolites are distributed into two groups of ages: the Luobusa, Zedang and Kiogar sequences being Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous whereas all other sequences are of Lower Cretaceous age. Compilation of geochronological data suggest that some ophiolite sequences might have evolved for over more than 70 My from their initial genesis to obduction which occurred around 70–90 My ago. Ophiolites differ in terms of petrological and geochemical aspects however, they were all generated in suprasubduction zone and more specifically in arc (few fore-arc) and back-arc settings. Synthesis of more than 700 geochemical analyses show variable mixing of components fr


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