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 I am convinced 6.__________________________________________ _____________________________(名词性从句:上面提到的能帮助我成为一名好的秘书). Looking forward to your early reply. Sincerely yours, Li Hua . what I have mentioned above can help me work as a good secretary  备课优选 1. When _________help, one often says “Thank you.” or “Its kind of you.” A. offering B. to offer   C. to be offered D. offered D 句意:当接受帮助的时候,一个人应该说声“谢谢”。offer与句子的主语one构成被动关系,故用过去分词作状语。 备课优选 2. Im afraid well have to work extra hours for there are still some problems __________. A. remaining to settle B. remaining to be settled C. remained to settle D. remained to be settled B remain与被修饰的词problems构成主动关系故使用现在分词,首先排除C和D项。settle与problems构成被动关系,故remain后应使用动词不定式的被动形式,排除A项。 备课优选 3. (2013马鞍山模拟)Dont you think thats a good sort of software __________of being downloaded to help with your English? A. worth B. worthy  C. worthwhile D. worthless B 此题考查be worthy of being done这一结构,与be worth doing同义。worthwhile常用于Its worthwhile to do/doing 这一结构,故选B项。 备课优选 4. (2013枣庄模拟)The bomb __________ the moment the police arrived there. A. exploded B. explored    C. expected D. explained A 句意:警察一到那里炸弹就爆炸了。explode,“爆炸”;explore,“探险”;expect,“期望”;explain,“解释”。 备课优选 5. I dont mind picking up your things from the store. __________, the walk will do me good. A. Sooner or later B. Still    C. In time D. Besides D 句意:我很乐意去商店把你的东西取回来,再说走一走对我自己也有好处。besides副词,意为“况且,再说”。根据题意,D项正确 。 备课优选 6. (2013哈尔滨模拟)An excellent teacher is believed to be one who devotes himself to the children but asks for nothing __________. A. in turn B. in advance   C. in short D. in return D 句意:人们相信一名优秀的教师是全身心投入到孩子身上并且不求回报的人。in return表示“作为(对……的)回报”。in turn,“依次”;in advance,“提前”;in short,“简言之”。 备课优选 7. (2013兰州模拟)Young as she is, our English teacher is very experienced and _________by all of us. A. thinks highly of B. highly thought of  C. thinks high of D. high


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