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VMware AIM解决方案产品简介 Edwin Ng VMware高级技术顾问 邮件:eng@ Lifecycle Manager – 虚拟机生命周期管理解决方案 自动化、规范化管理大量虚拟机的整个生命周期 申请、批准、部署、维护、监控、归档及删除 提供虚拟机的监督和安全管理机制 防止虚拟机无控制的增长和蔓延 从根本上解决虚拟机管理的难题并降低成本 Lab Manager – 全新的软件开发、测试解决方案 Stage Manager – 应用系统预生产解决方案 帮助用户解决预生产系统的高成本简难题: 过多的硬件需求 复杂的测试和迁移工作 提高用户各种应用、部门和人员之间的协调能力 大大提高预生产系统的测试和部署效率 极大降低用户生产系统升级、维护的风险和难度 如为生产系统的软件打补丁、进行升级带来的潜在风险 谢 谢 Edwin Ng VMware高级技术顾问 邮件:eng@ IT Service Delivery. What is it? ? IT Service Delivery is the lifecycle of developing, testing, staging, deploying, monitoring, changing and eventually retiring an IT service – which in a virtual infrastructure is the combination of multiple VMs that support an entire application stack – in compliance with the established policies in the company. ? Companies define and call the different stages of IT service delivery different names. However in terms of content, this lifecycle is substantially the same in every company. IT Service delivery is by far one of the most important activities for any IT department. Since this process is ubiquitous and so important, it represents a big opportunity for us. And this is why we have first focused our automation efforts there. * IT Service Delivery. What is it? ? IT Service Delivery is the lifecycle of developing, testing, staging, deploying, monitoring, changing and eventually retiring an IT service – which in a virtual infrastructure is the combination of multiple VMs that support an entire application stack – in compliance with the established policies in the company. ? Companies define and call the different stages of IT service delivery different names. However in terms of content, this lifecycle is substantially the same in every company. IT Service delivery is by far one of the most important activities for any IT department. Since this process is ubiquitous and so important, it represents a big opportunity for us. And this is why we have first focused our automation efforts there. * Establish a standardized service ca


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